Length: 8.6 mi (13.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +599/ -462 ft
Total: 0 riders

Mountain Biking Martin Creek Trail #429

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#538 of 1,216 mountain bike trails in Washington
#32,319 in the world

The first mile descends through mixed Douglas fir and subalpine forest to the stream ford and then switches back, up for 0.75 miles and begins traveling above Martin Creek. At 4 miles the Martin Lake Trail goes off to the right. The route continues through subalpine forest to about 7,000 feet. It then enters an open meadow basin with scattered trees below Martin Peak. Still gaining elevation to 7,220 feet the trail crosses the divide between Martin Creek and Foggy Dew Creek. Just beyond the high ground the Cooney Lake Trail is off to the right. Then the trail descends through scattered trees and exposed rock and boulders, eventually into dense subalpine forest to the junction with the Foggy Dew Trail. On the Foggy Dew Trail it's another 5 miles to the Foggy Dew Trailhead.

This area is popular with motorbike users and is gaining popularity with mountain bikers. Specific Hazards/Difficulties: Be considerate of all trail users, when encountering stock on the trail, lean your bike against the cutslope of the trail. Talk to the horseriders so the stock can recognize your location and not feel threatened by your actions. Move off the lower side of the trail and continue talking to the animals until all have past. Mountain bikers and hikers can take their packs and bikes off the lower side of the trail with them, and talk to the animals to reassure them. These measures will assure safety to everyone for their common enjoyment. source: fs.usda.gov

First added by Jeff Barber on Nov 14, 2014. Last updated Jul 21, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Twisp take State Route 20 east for 3 miles, to junction with SR 153. Take SR 153 south for 12 miles to Okanogan County Road 1029 and follow a short distance to County Road 1034 (Gold Creek Loop). Take County Road 1034, which becomes Forest Service Road 4340, about 6 miles to Forest Service Road 4340-300 (Crater Creek Road). Take Forest Service Road 4340-300 for 4.6 miles to the Crater Creek Trailhead. Take the Eagle Lakes Trail 430 for 2 miles to the start of the Martin Creek Trail.

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