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Level: Easiest
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +856/ -664 ft
Total: 29 riders
Mountain Biking McDonald / Dunn Forests
#37 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
McDonald Forest Maps are sometimes available at these locations. Rides can vary from easy to pretty technical. There are other starting points that require more knowledge of the area and talking to the righr person. As always, please stay on the trails. Most of the trails require uphill riding on fire roads to get there. Some awesome trails in Corn Valley for sure!!
First added by Terry_Tiessen on Feb 23, 2009. Last updated Jul 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
There are many starting points. Popular starting points are Oak Creek, The Saddle, and Sulphur Springs. Local bike shops can be helpful (Peak) To Oak Cr. - Harrison eventually turns into Oak Creek if you cross Walnut. Follow Oak Creek until you reach gravel, and eventually a gate. To The Saddle - North on Hwy 99 then left at Lewisberg Rd, right onto Sulphur Springs Rd. up to where sign says Hill Crest. To Sulphur Springs - same as Saddle except keep going over the hill and all the way down to the bottom keep going straight until you reach the gates.
System trails (7)
Fall is a great time for a ride in the forest, it's so pretty that it doesn't matter that it's a little cold or slightly sprinkling.
Thank |I enjoyed this ride. I started at chip ross park and was able to connect to the dans trail. A lot of uphill huffing and puffing but the downhilll parts were lots of fun.
Thank |The trail is pretty easy, rather smooth surface with lots of turns. These turns are usually not banked and there are a lot of hiker's on the trail so we need to watch our speed. This trail will defiantly work on your lines around a turn. The park is within biking distance of Corvallis so that is really nice.
Thank |Probably the best downhill singletrack in the Willamette Valley. Always in great condition. I've ridden it a handful of times in the last few months alone and never get tired of it.
Thank |I've just ridden the trail yesterday and it's all clear and well packed. One thing to keep in mind, is that there are some big roots to watch out for. Other than that, its a clean track. Depending on which routes you choose to come down off of chip ross, you can take a straight shot down (not that great) or one of the many other trails which are all alot of fun. Great view at the top of chip ross too.
Thank |Unfortunately time constraints limited my trip to only about a dozen or so miles, so this review only pertains to Dan's trail and some other trail linked to it right off the gravel road (I didn't have a map). Dan's climb I didn't find all that bad, the view was grand, and the decent was spectacularly fast. Very smoothe, so extremely low difficulty, be more careful about other riders coming up and horses as well (we saw one). I wish I had had more time to explore. I understand there is some fun stuff out here.
Thank |