Level: Beginner
Length: 16 mi (25.7 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +728/ -604 ft
Total: 8 riders

Mountain Biking Medio Dia Loop

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#82 of 283 mountain bike trails in New Mexico
#5,606 in the world

You can do this loop either direction. Going clockwise allows you to gain
your elevation on a good forest road and leaves the singletrack through
Medio Dia Canyon for your descent. This route brings you through three
beautiful and varied northern New Mexican canyons in the Santa Fe
National Forest. You will go up Bland Canyon, cross over the ridge and
descend Medio Dia Canyon and lower Cochiti Canyon. The route is partly
forest road and partly singletrack.

Trail notes:

From the north end of the Dixon apple orchard, retrace your route for 1.25 miles to the Bland Canyon (FR 268) junction. Turn right and ride up Bland
Canyon for 6.95 miles to a locked gate in a chain link fence. Turn right and
follow the jeep road for .65 miles to the top of the ridge. You will intersect
another road following the ridge line. Cross this road a head straight
down the hill. This doesn't look that inviting, but you will reach a fence
boundary of the Santa Fe National Forest after a short distance. Here the
fun begins. Descend 4.35 miles down a singletrack following a small creek
in the Medio Dia Canyon (FT 424). When you reach the main Cochiti
Canyon you have the option of turning left and going up and back through
the beautiful Cochiti Canyon. If you like creek crossings you'll especially
love this: there are 30 creek crossings up this canyon. Otherwise, turn
right (downstream) following FR 89 for 2.34 miles to your vehicle.

First added by norski on Nov 24, 2010. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Drive south from Santa Fe on I-25 for about eighteen miles to the Cochiti
Pueblo exit. Follow NM 16 past the turnoff for Cochiti Pueblo and past Cochiti
Lake. The road will turn to dirt and becomes Forest Service Road 268. In
about 4.5 miles, bear right on FR 89 which takes you past the Dixon Apple
Orchard. Park near the entrance to the Santa Fe National Forest.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Intermediate | 15 mi
Easiest | 12 mi
Advanced | 7 mi
Intermediate | 30 mi

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  • norski

    This loop can be added to other great singleltracks in the Santa Fe area for spring and fall riding. The three canyons you ride through are all beautiful in different ways. The singletrack descent down Medio Dia Canyon is a hoot!

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