Meyers Homestead Trail trail photo
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Level: Beginner
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +299/ -285 ft
Total: 67 riders

Mountain Biking Meyers Homestead Trail

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#451 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#4,594 in the world

Fairly easy ride, all doubletrack and dirt roads. Mild climb the whole way up, so the way back is fun and fast. A good ride for getting back into the biking season if you didnt do any in the winter, or if your just getting into biking.

First added by on Apr 12, 2005. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Boulder at the intersection of Broadway and Baseline, go 7.5 miles west on Baseline (which winds and turns all over up the mountains), and go right into the Meyers Gulch trailhead parking lot.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Boulder, Colorado

Intermediate | 6 mi
Beginner | 1 mi
| 23 mi
Beginner | 3 mi

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  • interrobangart   ✓ supporter

    Not a mountain bike trail so don't expect that and whine about how bad it was. It is a casual ride, or better yet a casual hike. Nice scenery from what I recall. Relax and enjoy the day and scenery.

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  • bigAD

    Not very exciting, but fun to descend on a fat bike. Sand is non issue.

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  • godzillalaughs

    Awesome Colorado Meadow! Easy trail, good tough climb to get up to if you link it to Heil Ranch.

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  • alskoj   ✓ supporter

    Easy trail but lots of climbing like everyone else says. But you're rewarded with about 2 miles of downhill coming back.
    If you're an "expert" mountain biker then, no, you'll probably be bored with this but we live in the local area and are trying to do all of the trails.
    I think that mountain bikers in "flat" states would love to have a trail like this to hit once a year or so.
    Very scenic, nice views at the top, not crowded during the week. Even this 48 year old caught some air coming down.
    2 stars going up, 4 stars coming down. 3 star average.

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  • RoyMan

    Nothing special really...somewhat of a boring climb all the way up with lots of sandy/loose spots. At the top the view is amazing, theres even a bench to relax on. Ride down is pretty fun but too short, some nice bumps if you want to get some solid air.

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  • kuala_tahan

    This "trail" sucks. It's just a fire/access road, sandy, water ruts, etc. Pretty boring

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  • arnolda14   ✓ supporter

    Didn’t like it. Too sandy. Too rutted out. The climb up seemed long and the ride down seemed short. I have nothing against easy trails because that’s what my wife likes and we like riding together but this is a c***py trail and I doubt I’ll ride it again. It’s pretty and we might hike it some time but we agreed that this was about the lamest ride we could have chosen today. Btw, beginners considering this ride should be advised that the grade is a bit steep. I have to rate this ride as "easy" because of the length and the terrain but if you're not in some semblance of biking shape, this could be a tough climb as it's 2.6 miles of almost uninterrupted uphill.

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  • jkovaly

    Very wide trail, slight uphill grade all the way to the end, ~2.6mi. Not singletrack and no real technical sections. View of Boulder Canyon at the end is excellent and the ride back is fast and fun, although a bit sandy (course rocky sand).

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  • teamfreak16

    I remember riding this one in a rainstorm. Even so, the ride back down was sweet! Not a bad little ride, nice to do once in a great while.

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  • soundgirl

    Nice trail, nothing too technical and lots of wildflowers in late summer/autumn. Only thing is the trail forks at one point and I was confused about which way to go! I went right and I'm pretty sure that was the wrong way to go.... anyone else know?

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