A wooden bridge winding through a lush forest, surrounded by green foliage and trees, leading over a muddy path. The bridge has a smooth, curved design, providing a natural passage through the dense vegetation. Midland City Forest mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 9 mi (14.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +445/ -369 ft
Total: 113 riders

Mountain Biking Midland City Forest

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#42 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#1,444 in the world

Trail has three loops (north loop, south loop, gnu loop). All the trails have a combination of hill climbs, short and quick down hills and jumps. trails are packed dirt and loose sand and tons of tree roots to keep you on your toes. All three loops have different challenges like an up and over , log ride, teeder todder, scout bridge and log jumps. All three trails are connected so you can ride them one at a time or all together.

First added by raleigh_rider on Feb 19, 2006. Last updated Jan 8, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take us 10 east or west (what ever way your coming from) get off at eastman ave exit. Turn north on eastman, go north to monroe, turn left (west) on monroe it's approximately a half a mile down on the left.
System trails (1)
Easiest difficultyMidland SCMBC Trail****9 mi

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Midland, Michigan

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  • Kent MacDonald

    Great to have these trails in the city. Little elevation. Wet areas. Nice variety of well-travelled paths, trails and bridges. Something for everyone.

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  • Revz

    South Trail extension added May 2019. Strava now shows a total of all trails at 14 miles.

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  • mdonald8

    Nice trail for fat biking
    it's a nice trail the trail is well-maintained no roots are tree branches covering the trail or blocking anything. It's a nice beginner to intermediate trail. It has some technical difficulties in some areas that keeps the trail vibrant and not boring. The only bad thing I could say that is a simple issue is that the trail should needs a little bit better marking so you know which direction you should be going.

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  • Steve Keeley

    Great singletrack with lots of twisty and winding parts. Many man made features like small jumps and pump area. A free roots and spots with sand that make it a bit technical. All round great everyday trail.

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  • Downhill Mike

    Thanks for your review. Are the trails soft and leaf covered? Would you recomened riding them on a fat bike?

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  • Dach

    Trail is a little confusing in the beginning to find the North Trail. I wanted to connect all the trails together in one giant loop, but found myself constantly stopping to figure out where I was on the map since there is many intersecting trails.

    Once you are in one of the loops, it is signed very well, but being from out of town and riding the trail blind, it was a bit confusing.

    Trail is mostly beginner with a few intermediate spots. The sandy spots made it a bit tricky, but overall its a good flow trail where you can really let it out.

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  • Todd Lovas III

    An incredibly fun intermediate trail that embraces what it should be. The multiple different miny trails that make it up can be confusing, but are always well worth the trip. While only being 9 miles long it always feels like way more, in a good way

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  • donbrowncfi

    First time here today. Rode the north and gnu loops. It rained yesterday and the trails were a little slippery. Lots of roots, lots of sand, mostly flat but the roots and narrow sections keep it interesting. North loop was ok but you can't really open it up.
    Gnu section was more fun for me because of the man made obstacles and overall just seemed to flow better. I plan to come back after everything dries out and give it another go.

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  • cmwestdorp

    Wooden obstacles are slippery when wet. Make sure you control your speed for them, especially on the gnu loop

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  • Revz

    2016 - Four Loops for 13.1 miles. North,South, Gnu, and Frog Hollar.

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  • cmwestdorp

    Overall a really nice trail for beginners and seasoned riders. Each loop offers something different for the riders and the obstacles keep you engaged. Not a lot of long climbs or downhills, so be prepared to pedal and pump your way around the trail

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  • Mitchell Duncan

    Did the North and South loops after a moderate rain. Don't let it's intermediate ranking fool you, while the difficulty varies throughout the trail, the hard parts are quite challenging, and feature a number of short steep climbs with frequent obstacles, and tight turns. Consistent bailout points are a nice feature, Somewhat confusing markers and trail layout can make routing frustrating at times. Would recommend this trail to a newer biker ready to challenge their technical skills.

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  • Revz

    Nice flow, lots of roots. Center of forest on all trail can be pretty sloppy when wet. Usually very little traffic. On the whole a good group of trails

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  • mwolvert

    The elevation is pretty flat and doesn't vary much other than by the creek/river.

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  • Spencer Lindenberg

    Nothing terribly technical, but good flow for the most part. Gnu Loop is definitely the highlight, as it is generally pretty smooth and has some fun plank bridges and new skinnies. North Loop is the most basic of the trail sections, but the part of North that runs along the creek still has some nice ups and downs. The only part that can be rough is the portion of South Loop beside Gnu, as that section is pretty rooty and often muddy after a rain. The sandy soil of the area allows for quick drainage after rain, so the trail system as a whole doesn't take long to dry out. I normally ride on weekdays (once or twice a week) and have never found anything more than minimal traffic, even when the Monroe trailhead lot is nearly full.

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  • James W. Crissman

    I'm the trail boss on this one, so I ride it a lot and work on it a lot. There are dozens of "mini bridges" over wet spots and lots of recycled sidewalk used to armor wet bottoms or sandy climbs. The whole system is about 14 miles now. We're working on building/replacing a lot of woodwork in the next year. New bridges are getting good reviews. Give it a day after a hard rain.

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  • Devon Suppes

    Some good technical sections. Kind of rutted out in areas but is well taken cared of for the most part. I suggest the Gnu loop lots of wood bridges, mild downhill, and technical sections.

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  • the chef

    This was my first place to ride love it there go back ever year at least once love the trails

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Rider questions

Q: thinking about myself and my 14 year old son riding these trails both beginers, would these trails be ok for us
A: Short answer yes. I would start at the Gnu loop heading counter-clockwise, which is best accessed from the South parking lot. There is an elevated bridge (~2' above ground) in the first third of the loop, you'll see it in advance if you want to walk over it instead of riding. Lot's of places to bail out and trail is well marked.

Q: Does this trail have jumps in it
A: It has a few very small wooden-framed jumps along the paths.