A winding dirt path cuts through a grassy landscape, surrounded by small hills and sparse vegetation under a clear blue sky. The terrain features gentle slopes and patches of light green grass, creating a serene natural scene. Milk & Cookies mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +181/ -233 ft
Total: 18 riders

Mountain Biking Milk & Cookies

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#195 of 711 mountain bike trails in Utah
#5,255 in the world

Fun rolling buff singletrack that meanders it's way through McCoy Flats. Enough rocks and turns to keep you alert.Very scenic. Can be ridden both directions. PLEASE STAY ON TRAIL.

First added by david_darling on May 16, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From Vernal take HWY-40 west out of town. As you descend the first hill look for powerlines that cross the road and on the left you will see a stop sign and a broken paved road leading out, go left. Be careful when making this turn as traffic behind you on the HWY must slow down, no turn lane. Follow road 3mi. to TH.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Vernal, Utah

Intermediate | 3 mi
Expert | 2.7 mi
Intermediate | 7 mi
Intermediate | 8 mi

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  • Jim Cummings

    You'll ride the Mild and Cookies trail as part of a loop in the McCoy Flats area. It's one of the easier trails and like the others it has an eerie wide-open-spaces feel. It is not rich in mountain biking features and is two-way.

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  • kuala_tahan

    Rode this twice, kind of, while out there. First time started from our camp spot and rode it counterclockwise, basically starting from the intersection of Milk/Cookies on the paved road. This direction was fun, nice flow, pedaly desert trails, but nothing to write home about. 6 mile loop felt like it took about 30 min or so. The other day, rode Got Milk from the main trailhead to get out to
    Retail, and that was absurdly fun. Right out of the gates you've got a bunch of perfectly set up drops and fast singletrack, basically barely a need to pedal and you scream out of there. Much more fun this way.

    Rode Cookies back and forth between the camp site and trailhead a few times; fun, but nothing too special.

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  • RoadWarrior

    One of the easier trails. That said it still has some places that can bite you. Mostly an easy cruise through the flats. Can be ridden clockwise by starting on Retail Sale. Or for a longer ride counter clockwise and finish on Retail Sale. For a short ride start out the back of the corral (counter clockwise) and come back on Combo.

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  • aroe1983

    Nice easy ride, that is a great cool down after riding one of McCoy Flat's more technical trails

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  • paulbenson

    Why is Milk&Cookies listed as a more dificult trail than Jazz

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  • david_darling

    I'll have more Milk & Cookies please. What a fun trail. Great conditon, hats off to the creators of this cool ride. Stay away when wet.

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