A scenic view of a mountainous landscape featuring a prominent, gently sloping peak in the background, surrounded by a mix of rocky terrain and patches of evergreen trees in the foreground. The sky is partly cloudy, and the terrain showcases a blend of gray rocks and green vegetation. Mill Cr.-East Fork Hayden Tr. 181 mountain bike trail.
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Level: Expert
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: One-way
Elevation: +1,010/ -1,025 ft
Total: 1 riders

Mountain Biking Mill Cr.-East Fork Hayden Tr. 181

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#113 of 319 mountain bike trails in Idaho
#6,803 in the world

From the junction of the 010 and the 006 roads, ride up road 006 which is a jeep road to Mill Lake. From this junction at the 6,880 foot level, it is a 6.0 mile climb up to Mill Lake at 8,853 feet. You will cross several creeks and get your feet wet.

Once at the lake, the singletrack starts at the northeast side of the lake and climbs up to the ridgetop saddle at 9,500 feet. You will probably have to push your bike the last quarter mile to the summit as it is steep. It is about 0.7 mile from the lake to the summit saddle.

From the summit are great views of Mill Mountain at 10,792 feet and the top of Mogg Mountain at 10,573 feet, and surrounding alpine areas.

Congratulations on attaining the summit as you have a six mile downhill singletrack trail to reach the East Fork Hayden Creek Road. Dont celebrate too much though as you still have work to do.

It is a steep and rocky descent from the summit saddle down into the East Fork of Hayden Creek before the singletrack is rideable. Walk your bike the short distance.

There are rock cairns in areas not forested. Once in the trees, the trail is evident except where it goes through meadows. A GPS track is very helpfull. There may be blowdown across the trail depending if anyone has cut out the potential numerous bugkill downfall.

Once you make it down to the 010 road in the East Fork of Hayden Creek, you will need to ride the 010 road approximately 12 miles to your starting point or to wherever you parked your shuttle vehicle.

Riding up the Mill Creek jeep road to Mill Lake and down the East Fork of Hayden Creek on the singletrack is the recommended direction of travel.

This ride is probably only possible after mid July into Septermber due to high elevation snow.

This is an advanced strenous ride but the rewards are great. Check with the USFS, Leadore Ranger District of the Salmon-Challis National Forest for road, trail, and snow conditions.

First added by sidehiller1 on Feb 26, 2013. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Starting directions are from the BLM McFarland Campground which is on the east side of Highway 28. To get to the Mcfarland Campground from Salmon, drive 32 miles southeast on Highway 28, or from Leadore, drive 13.4 miles northwest on Highway 28.

From McFarland Campground, Drive South 1/3 mile and turn west onto Maiers Lane. Follow Maiers lane and the DC Bar Road west and south 5.4 miles to the Mill Creek Road #010. Go southwest for 1.6 miles on the Mill Creek Road to the junction with road #006. The ride starts here. You will need to determine where you will park your shuttle vehicle if you have one.

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  • sidehiller1

    This is a highly scenic ride that goes up into the alpine zone and down through forests and meadows. It is not traveled much. The singletrack trail above Mill Lake and down the East Fork of Hayden Creek is non-motorized. You will work to earn your mountain bike trail miles on this ride, however the scenery is outstanding and the trail is fun and technical for the advanced and expert rider. Be prepared to expend a lot of calories and enjoy the ardent adventure. Expect some hike a bike in steep areas near the summit and potentially a lot of downfall if the trail hasnt been cleared recently.

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