A first-person view of mountain biking on a dirt trail through a lush forest, with a blurred figure biking in the background. The handlebars of the bike are prominently visible, and sunlight filters through the trees, illuminating the earthy path. Minnesing Mountain Bike Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +860/ -380 ft
Total: 20 riders

Mountain Biking Minnesing Mountain Bike Trail

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#123 of 308 mountain bike trails in Ontario
#6,667 in the world

Rocky, hilly and unpredictable. Uphills can be a battle. Consists of four loops
stating from 4.7km, 10km, 17km and 23.5km. Can be muddy in the spring but
is usually kept very well as it is surrounded by wilderness.

First added by Brett_ on Jul 28, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Enter Algonquin Park from the West Gate. Follow the "Km' system of signs to
23km and your there.

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Poor (Jul 3, 2019)
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Pollys Pitch, Minnesing, Algonquin Park
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Intermediate | 5 mi

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  • michaelschafer01

    This is a double track ATV trail. It used to have great rock armouring in the low spots but that has been chewed up. If you like adventure riding on overgrown trails through swampy hike a bike sections, go for it. You're always close to 3 lakes, but there are no views of them. You will definitely be bitten by every bug in Ontario. Nope, there are no moose, or bears to see.

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  • clemjefferson

    Trail can be quite overgrown, but all in all it is a good, challenging technical trail. Some portions are quite rocky and others are quite over grown. Watch out for moose!

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  • konacoiler

    No maintenance! Some sections are unrideable because of boulder fields or mud bugs. Some sections being most of the trail. Cross country ski trail in winter, not really designed as singletrack trail. If you want an easy loop, do the shortest one because the trail is worse the farther you go. Some areas were also completely overgrown. Take lots of water because the trail will take twice as long to complete than expected.

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  • Brett_

    A fun but challenging ride for anyone. The hills are long but gradual. The trail is better in the late summer when their are less bugs and bridges are repaired. Frequent wildlife sightings as you are in the wilderness. A day pass is required when parking at Minnesing. Needs to be displayed on the dash.

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