A detailed topographic map featuring trail routes and landmarks around Moreau Lake and the Hudson River. The map includes designated parking areas, trail markers, and various symbols indicating recreational features, such as hiking and boating paths. The trails are marked with different colors, and key information about specific trails and their IDs is provided in the legend at the bottom. Moreau Lake State Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +382/ -320 ft
Total: 16 riders

Mountain Biking Moreau Lake State Park

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#60 of 302 mountain bike trails in New York
#2,460 in the world

Many trails starting from the picnic and beach area that can tailor to the intermediate or advanced rider. For intermediate trails, stay to the lake and to Mud Pond North of the main lake. Trails around both bodies of water provide fun riding. Advanced riders my climb the ridge and several trails atop Palmerton Range wind around and back down the other side. The Spier Falls trails on this website are part of the Moreau Lake State Park lands. Many places to enter trail system along the park perimeter, but if you do not have an Empire Pass, please use main entrance and support your State Parks.

First added by EdGeneer on May 11, 2015. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Take Exit 17S off the Northway. Immediately on your right is a sign taking taking you on to Old Saratoga Road by the Boat Dealership. Follow this 3/10 of a mile and the park entrance is on your right.

Moreau Lake State Park Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Moreau, New York

| 5 mi
| 1 mi
Expert | 10 mi
Easiest | 4 mi

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  • jstack11

    This is a highly technical trail. There are some easier trails, but most end up on intermediate/expert trails. Most riders seem to go in by the Spier Falls area- with long hill climbs and tough trails. I went in off Potter Rd and Spier Falls Rd. Starts on an easy pole line, then to a fun single track. Then it gets more technical. Ups and downs. Rocks. Steep fast rocky downhills. Yes, some hike a bike, some dabbing. A lot of fun, but not for beginners. Not as steep as the western part, but packs a lot of fun into a few miles

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  • lbtchnlgs

    Most people start on Spier Falls Rd. For a shorter climb park at the saddle and take the single track you see coming into the parking area. Great climbs, technical sections, fast and flowy sections... A little bit of everything with great sunsets, views of Adks, Hudson River and Vt.

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  • EdGeneer

    Great Network of trails, and awesome views of the lake and Mud Pond. Atop the ridge for advanced riders has some excellent overlook views of the Hudson River on the west side, and the Green Mountains on the East side towards Vermont. You can get a trail Map from the park main office for $2 or $3.

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