A mountain bike is resting on a stone wall, with a panoramic view of a vast valley and rolling hills under a dramatic sky filled with dark, stormy clouds. The landscape shows a mix of green and brown terrain, while distant mountains are visible in the background. Mount Washburn/Chittenden Rd. mountain bike trail.
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Level: Easiest
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: -
Total: 2 riders

Mountain Biking Mount Washburn/Chittenden Rd.

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#85 of 256 mountain bike trails in Wyoming
#6,611 in the world

There are few places in Yellowstone NP to ride a mountain bike. The Mount Washburn/Chittenden Rd. route is one. When I rode this road three times this past summer, I didn't see another biker but lots and lots of hikers. The road starts out at about 8,500 feet. Ride around the closed/locked gate and begin the 3-mile climb to 10,243 feet--over 1,700 feet of elevation gain. It is not particularly steep; however, when you take into account the altitude, it's a workout. Nothing technical about it. Some larger, loose rocks in places, but they are easy enough to avoid. After reaching the top, taking in the view and snapping a few pics, it's time for the fun part. There is a lookout tower at the top with a restroom and viewing room. Plenty of people up there to take your pic next to the Mount Washburn sign. The only thing I had to worry about was the amount of hikers on the road--nothing you can do about it. On one of my rides, I rose past a 2,000-pound bison right on the road and several bighorn sheep. With the workout, the scenery and the wildlife, this ride is more than worth it.

First added by dustyspokes65 on Aug 30, 2015. Last updated Apr 23, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Canyon Village in Yellowstone NP, take the road that goes over Dunraven Pass toward Tower Junction. There is a hiking-only trail at Dunraven Pass to the top of Mount Washburn; however Chittenden Rd. is about 4 miles farther. Take a right on Chittenden Rd.; the beginning of the ride is about 2-3 miles up this road.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

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  • dustyspokes65

    Not many biking opportunities in Yellowstone, but this was a great workout ride with rewarding scenery at the summit of the climb. Of course, the descent was fun; however, I had to watch for hikers, for there were many. If you ever ride this road, do it early in the morning: fewer people and possibly more wildlife to view.

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