A narrow dirt trail winding through a wooded area, lined with dry leaves and surrounded by bare trees. A large fallen tree rests across the path, partially obstructing the trail. The scene appears to be in a natural, rural setting during a cloudy day. Manhattan River Trail (MRT) mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +52/ -63 ft
Total: 57 riders

Mountain Biking Manhattan River Trail (MRT)

****   Add a review
#13 of 90 mountain bike trails in Kansas
#2,218 in the world

I rated this trail a 3 for technical rating because if you only ride the singletrack it's pretty easy with some steep ups and downs, log piles and tight turns. But if you choose to be more daring there are other treats along the trail like log rides, skinny bridges, dirt jumps, gaps and drops. I work with others to keep this trail free of erosion, fallen trees and general overgrowth, even during the summer monthswhen weeds usually get nasty so it's always fun to ride.

First added by searsandrewj on Nov 21, 2004. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
In Manhattan, take Hwy 24 east out of the city, make a right turn before the Big Blue river bridge to the parking lot. Ride the sidewalk going south under the RR bridge and the trail starts on the left going into the trees.

Manhattan River Trail (MRT) Trail map

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Manhattan River Trail
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Manhattan, Kansas

| 3 mi
Expert | 1 mi
Beginner | 5 mi

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  • chetney

    Timber has been cleared off the trail. Very rideable. Thanks to someone who weedwhipped. More weedwhipping is needed on the southwest end if your looking for a volunteer opportunity.

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  • Schmo

    Just a good fun fast trail with great flow. Love the dips and verticals. Really gets the heart pumpin. Very well maintained. Liked the little BMX hideout in the center. No skills needed to ride this one. Just an easy fun ride!

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  • Lbose

    Fun, fast, flowy trails for all level of riders. The western portion of the trail pass the bridge has more technical features.

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  • captbubbaert

    Not highly technical, but well-maintained and has a mix of challenges. Very flowy and fast. Good cardio ride. The trail furthest from the river is slightly slower and more technical.

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  • hgldr

    Smooth dirt trail so you can go fast. Lots of places to catch air and some steep verticals. The scenery is beautiful.

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  • kobiskie4

    This was a great intro for a new rider I had along with me. Wish this would have been around when I was growing up in Manhattan. If you're a more advanced rider you can ride it fast and still get something out of it. Don't pass it by just because it's rated beginner.

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  • blakehs

    fun for going really fast. easy but fun riding

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  • Midmoab

    This is a beginner trail with very few technical areas. That said we enjoyed a short, maybe 2 mile portion of the trail multiple time during a rainy afternoon this past May. I am sure there are more challenging trails in the area but we were looking for something that we could introduce inexperienced riders to. Had fun.

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  • getgreedy

    Interesting and fun trail with some fast sections. Dirt base with some rocks (more to the south end of trail). Not a lot of elevation change since it is next to the river. Several areas of steep creek bank to bed to bank runs were fun. Good time.

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  • BeanSoup

    Overall I thought this was a decent trail. For the majority of the trail it is fairly fast and flowing. This trail has no climbs but does offer many hidden jumps that are right off the main trail. I felt like I enjoyed the parts of the trail that were right along side the river, other than those parts the trail is fairly short and nothing to crazy. This trail is basically a more narrow version of the Lawrence River Trail. If you want to extend the ride a bit, you can get to the end of the Trail and hop on Linear Trail (pavement) which will take you to the Pump Track for a little jump fun. This makes the total distance of the ride 13 miles, which I recommend or you will fly thru MRT and end up saying "thats it?"

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  • mooreoutdoors88

    Love this system of trails! Great options for beginner as well as advanced (I would assume). Offers some great challenges for noobs :)

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  • ckcoolic

    This is a great trail. It has nice flow and rewards you the faster you ride. There is a pretty solid crew in town that keeps the trails maintained. Not very much trail, about 6 miles, but probably the best singletrack available before you get to Colorado. Check out Big Poppi Bicycle Co. for local shop support. See video footage of the trail here: http://trailhooligan.blogspot.com/2011/07/manhattan-river-trails.html

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  • rockie08

    i deffinitly second the previous review.. this is an awesome trail for speed, i rode if for YEARS and it never got old (recently moved and i miss it) the guys do a fabulous job with keep the trails clear. there is a new half that is a lot more technical. good trail!!

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  • RideorDie

    If you live in Manhattan, this trail is a must ride. It is short, but really fun dirt! I used to work my speed on this trail by riding it after work, back and forth, back and forth. It never really got old! Use this trail to keep in shape, and then on long weekends, drive to Colorado and ride!

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Rider questions

Q: Someone should cut down the leaner across the wooptydo. Sun in my eyes, didn't see it at all going real fast, broke my helmet. Ouch!