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Level: Intermediate
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +181/ -189 ft
Total: 60 riders
Mountain Biking Munny Sokol Park
#20 of 111 mountain bike trails in Alabama
Single track, double track and some jeep trails. Short, steep hills. Very technical. Approximately 11 miles of trails total at present. New trails added periodically. Well maintained.
First added by searsandrewj on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Exit 73 off of Interstate 20/59 in Alabama. Then take McFarland Blvd. (Hwy 82) west across the Black Warrior River. At the third traffic light turn right onto Watermelon Rd. Munny Sokol Park is about 2 miles on the right. Once in the park the trail head is near the barn that does not have any sides on it.
I did not like it and the sighs made me get lost mountain biking for an hour with no features and not a well maintained trail.
Thank |Great trail with differing terrain from hardpack to gravel and concrete! Lots of options to choose from depending on your ability. Awesome pump track at the trail head also.
Thank |Great trails! Highly recommend this place.
Thank |Tight trail main trail is well maintain. Side trails were very tight and technical lots of roots, twisted trails some over growth in some areas
Thank |Not much terrain variety here, but there is something for all skill levels. Lots of very tight twisty singletracks and lots and lots of roots. Not much flow. Not much room to open up and gain some speed.
Thank |Haven't been here in years but its where I first started riding so I have great memories of it. Lots of short trails that all intersect but its hard to get lost as all the trails eventually pop back out near the parking area.
Thank |New Trail map
Thank |In town to visit family so I brought my bike for an early morning ride. Munny Sokol was a great ride even though the layout isn't my favorite. It is a network of short (short) loops--something upwards of a dozen--that branch off of a main trail that was maybe 1.5 miles long. The loops range from .2 to 1.8ish miles long each. Some are more like connectors. I like to get my heart pumping and normally don't like this kind of trail because I find myself slowing down when there's a fork in the road around every corner. That didn't really happen as everything has a good flow and I found a few great combos that I rode twice. Some of the singletrack is really tight but that's okay. I spent about 2.5 hours riding and thoroughly enjoyed it. This is no doubt an excellent after work ride for locals. You could put together a long or short ride depending on time and keep it fresh. I liked Transformer and Brutality. Singletracks labels Munny Sokol as a beginner trail but it had a little bit of everything depending on the loop so don't pass this up because it's a green...there's plenty of technical singletrack and Brutality is marked with a black diamond. I might try the trails at Lake Lurleen next time but I'll definitely ride Munny Sokol again.
Thank |This is not one trail its a bunch of different systems and skill levels. I would rate it intermediate to difficult because of all the turns and lots of roots. Its a good fun trail though. Right when you turn into the park from the main road take a left down an unmarked paved road and it takes you out behind to the left and around up by the red barn "with no sides like another poster wrote" there is parking and a trail map. There are multiple trail heads to start on with tiny little signs....* Review edited 11/1/2011
Thank |Short climbs sneak up on you but nothing major. Parts were very tight and twisty, personally i like to ride trails that open up a little more as to build and maintain speed after climbs
Thank |extremely tight trail for a 29er... with very poor signs. I had to just ride until i ended up close to the road. Speed stayed pretty low due to the tight single track. Overall fun trail system that seems to be continually growing!
Thank |this trail is a lot fun... much better than what I expected... filled with some technical sections... and one wicked downhill... great trail... the only problem is new development is on the fringe of the trail... some say the trail will soon be extinct.. that is why the lake lurleen state park trail is being constructed... so do this while you can... some say its the best singletrack in west AL.
Thank |