A tranquil wooded area with tall trees and a fallen leaf-covered ground. Two trails marked by red and yellow flags can be seen winding through the trees. Sunlight filters through the branches, creating a peaceful atmosphere. New Light Trails mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +528/ -510 ft
Total: 140 riders

Mountain Biking New Light Trails

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#62 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#1,216 in the world

OPEN TO MOUNTAIN BIKERS ON SUNDAY ONLY. Since these trails are fairly new they are bumpy as can be. There are some of the best climbs in the Triangle area here at the New Light Trails. I'm sure it's a lot faster ride when the leaves aren't covering the trails. These trails have a good balance of length, technicality, and speed. And it's a great workout!

First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 9, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
"Take Hwy 50 North to Hwy 98 East towards Wake Forest. After approximately 1.5 miles turn left on to New Light Rd. Go 3 miles and turn left on Old Weaver Trail. Go 1/2 mile and park on the gravel road on the left.

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| 0.3 mi
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  • kamoteus   ✓ supporter

    The Pisgah of the Triad
    Just an awesome trail from the start to the end. The views are pretty amazing!

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  • Chain of Fools Bicycles

    Technical, rocky, with constant up/down and over action. Lots of fun, I just wish it were longer!

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  • Dortchy34

    This place gave me what I was looking for! Rocks, climbs, down hills, some jumps, flow, tight single track, and multiple views of the lake. This place will test your skills with out feeling out of control. Check it out.

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  • Colton Lock

    OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK IN THE SUMMER!!! Best, toughest, trail in the Triangle. Great rocks and roots. Great jumps.

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  • IntelligentDesigner

    Great workout with lots of long climbs. Access to different loops from the fire road is good. But last weekend they were logging out there and some doofus shot up the trail map. Technically challenging, but not many man made obstacles. Could use more since it's an MTB trail afterall, not really a hiking thing. Good lake views. Take plenty of water if you plan to do the whole thing.

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  • *****

    I drove by this address about 4 times today so far. Someone want to explain where this is. Please

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  • Billh71

    Great challenge. Plenty of stuff to keep you focused and working hard. It is a little choppy, but I like the feeling of overcoming the landscape rather than the trail doing it for me all the time.

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  • MarkMTB

    One of my favorite trails in the area; great technical sections that take great advantage of the terrain around Fall Lake. If you like rocks, you'll like New Light. Some of the better climbs in the area, especially if you target the difficult lines up them.

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  • LS29

    I took my first ride there earlier today, and I must admit that it was an extraordinarily humbling experience. As an unabashed beginner, I expected to encounter a number of "hike-a-bike" sections, and I was not mistaken in the least. However, despite the difficulty, it is the best trail I have found in the Triangle area thus far. Advanced riders should enjoy the park even more. Have fun, obey the rules (it is, after all, used for hunting grounds from September to May), and bring plenty of water...

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  • bill_hopkins

    Awesome, more advanced trail. Good workout.

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  • sideshow75

    Great riding in the triangle area. Several loops, with good marking at the trail intersections. Lots of possibilities within the system for variety and all day fun. The trails have been ridden in really well, so they are smooth and fast. Good climbs without being annoying, and always rewarded with a small, but fun, downhill stretch soon after.

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  • Jeff Barber

    Sadly the Eastern Territory trails (Left and Right loop) are gone but there are some "new" trails that are popping up. First Loop is definitely rooty, I think I may just skip it next time and head straight for the good stuff - Route 66, The Gauntlet, Way in - Way out, etc. Lake Fall is new (but old) and I didn't get a chance to check it this time, rode almost 10 miles of singletrack w/out backtracking despite the fact that Left and Right are closed.

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  • gone4a_ride

    The trails are now open every day of the week, from 15 May through 1 September.

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  • elcoderino

    Just rode NL for the first time. Haven't been to beaver dam yet, but this trail was great. Lots of obstacles, mile after mile of great terrain. Lots of work went into these trails. Thanks to whoever spent time building / maintaining these.
    Some big steep drops on one of the loops on the east side. Some cool bridges built out of fallen timber and some nails. Lots of log rolls. Some of these piles are up to 5 feet high. It's kind of hard to figure out where you are at times. Take a map and everything should be fine.
    There was some more tree clearing on the east side, and some hard to pass trees block the first part of the left loop (riding whole trail counter clockwise). After these downed trees, everything is great.

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  • staps

    Roots!!! lots and lots of roots - I was really glad to be riding a f/s bike. Overall the trail was a blast but while I was down by the eastern lower section the logging was so bad that the trail was gone, I wandered around trying to pick it up for over 1/2 hour b4 i just turned around and worked my out. I am looking forward to checking out Beaver Dam....SOON!

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  • RaginPage

    New Light first loop is not where I would start(a lot of climbing that will wear you out) the other trails I rode out there are very technical with rocks and roots and this place is not for the beginner. I prefer beaver dam over new light since I'm not a fan of rocks. It is a challenge though and I will go back to finish some other sections that I have yet to ride but again, don't go unless you are ready for a technical ride and are ready to climb.

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  • Blur-Girl

    I agree with the previous review in that this place is a mess!!! Logging and burn out make for poor scenery. It is rocky, rooty, tough climbs, renegade technical and is ill maintained. I was very thankful for the signs to get me back to the praking lot so I could go to Beaver Dam

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  • joemorris

    I've only been on about 33% of the trails in this area and really loved it. Even the easier ones are challenging so I need to pace myself a bit. Please note these trails are open EVERYDAY May 15 - August 31 (non-hunting season). No night riding allowed and no pets. I've seen it when the parking lots is crammed full of cars yet hardly see anyone when I get on the trails.

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