A winding dirt path through a lush green forest, surrounded by tall trees and ferns, with fallen leaves scattered along the trail. The scene captures the tranquility of nature in a dense, tropical environment. Nicols Creek mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +639/ -649 ft
Total: 2 riders

Mountain Biking Nicols Creek

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#99 of 195 mountain bike trails in South Island
#9,139 in the world

The Nicols Creek track climbs up 400 metres (1300 feet) towards Swampy Summit. It's a wonderfully engineered track so you'll zigzag all the way up without straining a muscle or stretching your chain! The view up there is expansive with most of Dunedin laid out before you.

The trail is a work in progress and eventually the nice all-weather gravel runs out. After persevering through the mud for a while I came to a wheelbarrow and tools so decided to turn back. That's when the fun really started - swinging back down through all those switchbacks! The magical thing about this track is that the ride down seems longer than the ride up!

There are some tight switchbacks but you won't find a lot of jumps and rollers or groovy berms on the trail. It's not technically challenging but it tends to be narrow in places so there is not a lot of margin for error.

First added by Jim Cummings on Mar 16, 2015. Last updated Sep 12, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
The track starts at the Nicols Creek bridge on Leith Valley Road, 3.7 km up the Leith Valley from George Street in North Dunedin. Go up Duke Street which becomes Malvern Street which becomes Leith Valley Road. A sign at the bridge indicated Nicols Falls Track. The mountain bike trail is on the left immediately AFTER the bridge. There is parking for three cars across of the road. Your singletracks app will take you there or you could put 51 Leith Valley Road into your navigator app.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Dunedin, South Island

Beginner | 3 mi
Advanced | 19 mi

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  • Jim Cummings

    It's a really nice trail through regenerating native bush. It's a hand made, thorough all-weather track but it's not one of those that really thrill - it's more in the pleasant-enjoyable category.. Go on a fine day for the wide angle views near the top.

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