A mountain biker in a red helmet and blue shorts jumps over a wooden bike trail surrounded by lush green trees and shrubs. The trail features a series of elevated wooden ramps, showcasing an adventurous outdoor setting. Nocatee mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +29/ -27 ft
Total: 114 riders

Mountain Biking Nocatee

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#50 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
#1,820 in the world

Update 2/24/14:

SORBA JAX had a massive workday on Sat. Feb 22. The trails have been recut and reshaped. One wood skinny was constructed and one will be finished this weekend. The trail is soft and needs to be ridden. Signs will soon bee installed. Some new pictures have been put up. Sorba Jax just spent over 100 man hours on this trail. More Improvements are on the way.

Update 8/12/12:

This trail is currently under contruction and has a 3 mile loop of single track, with 4 bridges as of 8/12/12. Some of the trails still need some work. More miles of trail will be cut in the fall and spring time.

Also about 4 miles of Fire road that can be riden as well.
Facebok page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mala-Compra-Mtn-Bike-trail/134417869951121?sk=wall#!/pages/St-Augustine-Trail-Riders/260572137347422

First added by JMHZ2401 on Feb 6, 2012. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Parking lot is behind the tennis courts at Ponte Vedra high school.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near St. Augustine, Florida

Beginner | 10 mi

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  • oldschoolbimr

    An ideal bike here could be a dual suspension xc due to the many roots and extremely flat terrain, but anything could be ridden from a box bike to a Cx bike.

    It is not sandy like the other undulating trails in he area (Hannah, Tilly, Mala Compra) and is more "swampy" with black dirt that has a tendency to become water logged with the regional weather.

    The wooden features ((7 that I can remember) represent 90% of the elevation change witch is lacking in the area, and include tight (12") to loose (36") planks that are mostly avoidable if too demanding.

    This is a nice session trail for exercise, beginner, or night rides.

    This is the least enjoyable true dirt bicycle trail in the area in my opinion, and should be avoided If the time is available to head south to The Palm Coast Trails or North to Hanna. It is a great option for the local communities on a time budget.

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  • tittlema

    West side loop starts out VERY thick brush beside singletrack...beware of ticks and snakes

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  • LStadelmeier   ✓ supporter

    This is a fun little trail with nothing challenging to it. There needs to be a little maintenance done as it is very close to being overgrown.

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  • Ali Croft

    Pretty flat and in some areas, poorly maintained. We had to turn around at one point because of so many fallen trees blocking the trail. Tried to ride the fire road to the end and got blocked by large pools of flooding.

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  • bibingkawahine

    Mostly flat, but with some great man-made wooden structures you won't find at Hanna Park. All structures have the option to bypass, so the trail is still beginner friendly. Now comes the bad part... The bugs are beyond insane. Mosquitos as always (this is Florida afterall), horseflies, and BEWARE OF TICKS! No words can describe the quantity of ticks you'll be exposed to. I chose to throw my shoes and socks in the garbage after I finished riding. They were infested! Before you come here, I strongly suggest treating all of your clothes/gear with large volumes of permethrin, and using a topical bug repellent that is designed to fight off TICKS as well as mosquitoes. Even after that, I have no plans to return here. Ride at your own risk.

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  • mwh29

    Fun, mostly flat trails with a few structures, perfect for a n00b like me.

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  • Logan Hömmel

    Trails are great, a few structures and a couple little pumps. Good for distance riding.

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  • Drew Hallett

    Fun ride, not too challenging but a good workout. Some man made technical features that are fun. Roots, pine needles, sand make it slick in dry weather. Some moisture in the air and you can pick up the speed around tight corners. Summer, bad bugs that bite!

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  • tyonkers

    Just finished clearing the trails of hurricane debris. Everything has been cut back and the trail is open for the season. For those of you that don't know this trail is not maintained in the summer. It is too hot and the bugs are insane. So we open in in late fall and stop work in the spring.
    President SORBAJAX

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  • JimJam428

    Today was my first trip to Nocatee Preserve. It was about a twenty minute drive for me. I had a blast there. It had a good mixture of obstacles and windy trails. I am just getting back in to mountain biking so it was perfect for me. I will definitely return soon.

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  • Harrison Facci

    Very nice trail although it seems no one has been on it for some time. many area are overgrown and a lot of debris (leaves logs ect)hard to make out trail in some section. soft and sandy in some areas where there are inclines. BRING BUG SPRAY! So far i found two ticks on me after i got home. both on my ankles. as said previously the bugs will get you the whole ride. this is late july and i expect nothing less. i ate a lot of spider webs. this was my first time riding this trail as i moved here recently. cannot wait to see what it has for store in the fall/witnter.

    Update: after reading the review below i can confirm that there are many of the microscopic ticks. i was able to find at least 5-6 of them on my legs. My shoes and shoe laces are engulfed with these ticks. they are about the size of a grain of sand. consider drowning your legs in bug/tick spray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Lycanine

    This is my usual spot, since I was riding in the evening I rode one of the trails back and found this wooden obstacle but its overgrown. Anybody get a chance before I do, clean it up

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  • Lycanine

    Just got back into biking, rode Hanna last weekend and got my butt kicked by all the roots. Read some of the older reviews for Nocatee and wasn't expecting much better--so wrong! Had a blast riding today and even tackled some of the wooden obstacles along the way. Great place to ride without the $5 dollar entrance fee. I'll be back next weekend!
    SORBA has done wonders with this place, really appreciate it guys!

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  • speedliner

    This is basically my home track and I don't go there much. It's not bad but just okay. SORBA JAX is making a lot of improvements. Most of it is fairly flat with a few wooden features and a giant been.

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  • tyonkers

    SORBA JAX has been at it hard this winter to really improve this trail. New features are being added every month. Next year SORBA JAX will reclaim the pine beetle section adding even more miles. So if you haven't been there in a while check it out. New signs have also been added to help navigate.

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  • mlombar17

    Outside of a few cool wooden features and a giant berm, not much to see here

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  • vibesurfer127

    This was my wife and I first time mountain biking. It was a good beginner/intermediate single track. We eased out way through and really enjoyed. There were a few obstacles on the east side that made it fun. My wife even had a go at some of them. We will definitely be revisiting.

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  • coastiebrad

    Cool wood features but the trail was underwhelming. It makes hanna look difficult by comparison. If there was some burms on the turns it would make it drastically more fun to ride. That being said I will definitely be back.

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