Single track climb up 21 switchbacks that leads to an undulating traverse across the Eastern slope of Olomana Mtn. Then, hang on for a fun-filled, swoopy, twisty decent to the "White Fence" area of the Olomana Trail system.
From here you can turn around and do the trail in reverse, head left on the Hiway and make a short loop or head right/downhill into the trail system and circumnavigate the entire mountain.
It has been rainy, but finally hadn't rained past few days. was just barely passable today. Suggest avoiding if it's rained in the prior 3 days. The mud is most severe at max elevation, and can be dangerous. don't dig in if muddy and mess up the trail. walk and be safe.
Thank |also it's bi directional - so be in control and alert. look out for others. Trail runner, hikers, and bikers. I passed 4 others on an early Friday afternoon in November.
I suggest moving from north to south - start at the north, get the climb in, the rest is downhill.
only bummer is there is not much of a view until a small lookout. it's in the jungle.
but it's a great trail. can't wait to do again when it's more dry.
Updated Pictures: 6/17/20
Thank |Once you hit the road, you can take it back to your vehicle or turn around , climb and descend again.
Thank |Where do you go when you reach the end of the trail? How do you recommend getting back to parking?
Thank |