Starting at the upper parking lot (near Frith Business building) there are a couple of options that tie in together. The first, start by going behind the building, find the fence line road. It's a short downhill but fairly rough and requires a bit of technical skill. At the bottom turn right along the grass, hard pack road that cuts through the woods. Loop up, staying near the trees, at the grass field near the entrance, another short dirt path climbs sharply and skirts around the maintenance area. The other option is to go in front of the grape arbor, between the grapes and the off-limits challenge area. Warning: stay out of the challenge area, signs are posted. A quick downhill joins the first option near a small retention pond. There are several side tracks, including a steep climb that vears into the center of the woods. With some invention you can make this ride a little longer or more technical. It's not a long ride and probably not for conditioned riders but for a free, quick way to work up a sweat, see some wildlife, or test out new configurations on your bike it "ain't too bad." Other options worth exploring are riding up the road to the reservoir, some trails and roads are located on the city property. You will have to determine if this is legal :).