A mountain biker performing a jump over rocky terrain under a bright blue sky, with the sun shining in the background. Pick Your Poison mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +287/ -269 ft
Total: 7 riders

Mountain Biking Pick Your Poison

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#29 of 256 mountain bike trails in Wyoming
#3,407 in the world

Trail description starts from Brent & Mikes and ends at Cruiser. From the Brent & Mikes junction and just past the first rock obstacle turn left at the junction with Draino at .05 miles. At .31 miles will be the junction with QuickDraw. Stay to the right and follow the trail to the junction with NoMoJo at mile 1.09. You will cross two roads and enjoy the descent to the wash crossing at mile 1.93. The trail now starts climbing for the next .3 miles with numerous bridge crossings and some challenging switchbacks towards the top. At mile 3.2 stop and take a break and enjoy the views looking to the southeast towards Flaming Gorge. The trail mellows out for a while until the junction with Pansy at mile 3.5. Pansy is an easy option and is recommended for everyone except for advanced riders. Take a left here and see if you can clear the waterfall. Follow the Pick Your Poison sign as Pansy joins it for a few short sections. There are numerous bridges and technical sections in this area. At mile 3.94 the Pansy trail heads left. Stay right to ride some more tight switchbacks and technical sections. Finally at mile 4.22 descend into the wash with a quick climb and enjoy some nice mellow rollers before the end of the trail at the junction with Cruiser at mile 4.41.

First added by greyhairbiker on Jun 24, 2013. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
(Taken from the Wilkins Peak Trail System brochure available at the Green River Visitor Center). Trail begins at Parking Lot C along with Brent & Mikes Trail. This trail offers options for both intermediate and advanced riders. Along this trail there are many options that allow more advanced riders to challenge themselves but still allows others to take a more mellow route. Of you want to take the more difficult options follow the black markers. Blue will be the easier route. This trail does have some sustained climbs that could prove difficult for beginners but would be a good challenge for intermediates. Total elevation gain for this trail is 700 feet.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Green River, Wyoming

Intermediate | 2 mi
Intermediate | 50 mi
Intermediate | 5 mi
Intermediate | 3 mi

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  • CodyJohler

    One of my all time favorite trails! Natural features, bridges challenging climbs, drops, natural berms, and nice flowing single track. There is one gnarly short climb in the same area as the 'Pansey' alternate trail. It's an awesome super technical climb. Very fun downhill section about a mile in on PYP, with drops and rolls and drainage crossings on bridges. Mix up alternate routes with other SWMBA/Wilkins Peak trails to get a different ride every time.

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  • candyrapper

    What a great loop with lots of variety when connected with other trails. I prefer to ride it counterclockwise, but a clockwise route offers an array of differing characteristics worth experiencing as well. Well thought out and well made.

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  • stumpyfsr   ✓ supporter

    Very nice built trail. Same as other trails in Wilkins Peak system it's connected with other trails. The best way climb up on Cruiser and fly down by Pick Your Poison. Still some pedaling will be involved.
    These trails a little soft and in need of more riders to pack it down. So, if you drive by Green River, definitely give it a shot.

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  • wyoexplorer

    Loved it! I had so much fun riding this I wanted to go around again. It seemed to me that riding it counter-clockwise got the most out of the obsticles and small cliff drops. There were a few sandy sections but nothing unmanageable. SO FUN!

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  • greyhairbiker

    A great trail to challenge riders of any skill level. Fast downhill sections, tight singletrack, shelf riding, ladder bridges, epic views...what more could you want!

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