A dirt path meanders through a grassy landscape, dotted with small trees and scattered rocks, leading towards a distant view of a town under a cloudy sky. Pilot Hill mountain bike trail.
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Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +476/ -476 ft
Total: 14 riders

Mountain Biking Pilot Hill

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#57 of 256 mountain bike trails in Wyoming
#5,185 in the world

Doubletracks that head from city of Laramie east up into the Laramie Range. From 45th Street ride south on the levee. Turn east on doubletrack at the south end of 45th Street. Follow the doubletrack up the west slope of the Laramie Range towards Pilot Hill - the hill with the radio towers on it. There are a few junctions along the way, just keep making your way east up the hill to Pilot Hill. Upon summiting Pilot Hill, take the doubletrack located on the west side of pilot hill north past where you [might have] joined up with it, and then take the least traveled doubletrack to the northwest through a gate at a four-way junction. Follow this to another junction at the double powerlines. Turn left and head west back down to Laramie for about a 4 mile downhill of doubletrack. These doubletracks are rocky and sometimes loose. There are a variety of doubletracks in the area and this is only one of many possible routes. Antelope and mule deer abound. Great views of the Laramie Valley throughout.

First added by dauw on Sep 21, 2006. Last updated Dec 11, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
In Laramie, take Harney Street east to Grays Gable Road. Keep going east to 45th Street on the very northeast part of town. Park on 45th Street and start riding south on the levee on the east side of the street.
System trails (1)
 difficultyPilot Hill Connector7.5 mi
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Laramie, Wyoming

Easiest | 5 mi
Beginner | 8 mi
Intermediate | 10 mi
| 8 mi

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  • aspen

    This trail is on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Do not ride without permission.

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