An outdoor scene featuring a forest with bare trees and scattered boulders. In the foreground, there are fallen leaves covering the ground, while a large flat rock or piece of debris is positioned on top of another boulder. The lighting suggests a late afternoon setting, casting shadows among the trees. Pine Hills mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +2,202/ -2,272 ft
Total: 43 riders

Mountain Biking Pine Hills

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#27 of 223 mountain bike trails in Massachusetts
#2,033 in the world

Very technical and fun. Some freeride stuff. Some's sketchy. Stay to the west of powerlines and loop back to the parking lot. Good view of Atlantic Ocean if you don't mind the huge ugly power plant down below.

First added by mountainzen on Mar 22, 2006. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take rt 3 north from Cape Cod or south from Boston. Take exit 3 to 3A. Take left. Park at dirt road on the right of 3A before bike shop and drop in singletrack at South end of lot.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Plymouth, Massachusetts

Beginner | 100 mi

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  • Jking293

    This place is fun and not the place I thought it was when previously reviewed as overgrown. There's a bunch of mostly downhill then you can take the nice easy acces road back up to the beginning.

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  • Jking293

    I pass by on my dirt bike. Could be cleared out by a group in a day if someone organized something. Overgrown as of August 2017

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  • DMDAuto

    I'm from the sandhills of North Carolina. We've got nothing like this back home. Steep elevation changes, lots of rocks. This may be average for New England. It was awesome for me. I couldn't find the trailhead on 3A, so I started by the cave. I went left, around the gate. The start appears to be the highest point, so its some really fast downhill to start. That meant some really steep uphills coming back, after you're tired. Loose leaves on some steep uphills prevented enough traction to climb. I had to walk a few. I had to really pay attention to pedal position, the rocks will catch them. Lots of alternate trails and loops, with tight switchbacks and big elevation changes to keep you guessing where each was headed. Definately use gps unless you know the trails. There was a local rider there clipping, but the briars are bad in some places. I had some cuts that bled down my legs. Coming back, keep in mind, the parking lot is higher. I could see getting lost without gps. Keep climbing to return. I'm really in bad shape. I think I had 2 small heart attacks, and possibly a mini stroke. Made for a great ride. The moth caterpillars are horrible right now. A lot of trees are completely bare, they're falling and hanging from silks everywhere. Keep your mouth closed, or you'll catch one. I hope to hit this one again, or the Swansea trail.

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    Had been here once and didn't think there was a lot but after another couple of trips and a little exploring I've found there is a ton of cool little trails and features. A bunch of little ladder stuff but most of it is weathered and unsafe to ride. The downhill burst mentioned in a earlier review is a ton of fun and there is another trail near it that goes through a runoff/almost dried riverbed that was pretty fun to go through (though I wouldn't go too fast on it). In addition there are a ton of rocks and a really fun rock "playground" that we hung out at for about 15 minutes. On the opposite side of the network is a little confusing with some little loops and recognizable for all of the random bombholes scattered throughout it. Some of them have lines through them like little roller coasters and there it one that a lot of people launch out of. Definitely a fun time if you're looking for some technical rocks and hucks. I wouldn't say it is as much fun if you're looking for fast singletrack unless you stay to the fireroads. Well worth a trip though if you're in the area

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  • Thornburger

    The review below captures these trails perfectly, the pineneeds make for a fast and clean (bike came out cleaner after than before the ride) trails.
    Some of the fire roads in the back were kind of abandoned so try to stick to the well maintained single track.
    The only thing that made for a sour day was that my chain snapped and I had to walk 2.5 miles back to my car at Serous Cycles and since it was a Monday they were closed. Looks like a good shop from peering into the windows tho.

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  • jdphaneuf73

    These are the trails right across from Serious Cycles on Rte 3A heading towards the Manomet village of Plymouth. You can park right in front of Serious Cycles, they don't mind and their shop is pretty nice so make sure you drop in on them. I have been in here close to half a dozen times and there is some excellent singletrack. If you are standing in the parking lot of Serious Cycles, the entrance is across the street just to the left. You can also enter on the access road to the right. If you decide to go left after entering the trail head stay with it and you will suffer through about ten minutes of some tough uphill and rocky downhills but once you get through that you will be up on the hill overlooking the power plant and Rock Hill Road and there is excellent riding where you can get up some good speed with minimal hills and lots of fun rocks, roots and bumps to play on. Try and stay off of the back of the hill (the side along Rocky Hill Road) as you will be doing a lot of walking up and down. However if dropping yourself off of huge rocks and ramps is your thing, then this will appeal to you. If you go to the right side of the trail head (over where the giant rock cave is-you can't miss this) The trails are not as extensive but it is a GREAT little blast of some fast switchbacks with some fun rocks to jump - go all the way down the hill till you get to the powerlines and the line of spruce trees - then turn around and feel the burn while you rip back up! This is an excellent place for biking and you can spend 3 hours in here and not ride the same trail more than once. I still would like to map it out but haven't had the time yet.

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