A mountain bike resting on a guardrail beside a forested area, with trees in the background and dirt on the tires, suggesting recent use on rugged terrain. Pine Torch Church Loop mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 11 mi (17.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 15 riders

Mountain Biking Pine Torch Church Loop

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#46 of 111 mountain bike trails in Alabama
#5,384 in the world

One and half mile feeder trail and then eleven mile loop. Best to ride counter clockwise.

First added by on Aug 18, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Hwy 33 from Moulton or Double

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Moulton, Alabama

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  • Towrmonkey

    I rod ethe trail Sat, 6/26/16. It is a well kept trail except the dozen or so trees that were acoss the first part of the trail. There is a lot of climbing but a few nice downhills. I found two creek crossing and one very technical rock section. Big complaint is the trail intersections are not marked at all. The map is ok at best. Trails are marked but I would up riding 15 miles finding my way back to the trail head. The ride would be much better if there was better marking at trail intersections.

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  • orl65stang

    Rode this trail back in the fall. It is shared with equestrians and hikers so be on the watch for them and follow trail etiquette. Trail is pretty gnarly due to horses and singletrack layout. Flows well, not too many steep climbs, just enough to keep heart rate high and gear selection low. Bring any spares and tools you may need, closest bike shop is in Huntsville or Cullman. Also this trail is not a good choice for riding during or after heavy rains due to drainage. North Alabama mud can be quite thick. Overall a fun trail for all experience levels.

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  • jwitt45

    Rode here today, November 11th, 2013. This was my second time riding the trail and much later in the year than the first time I rode it. As with anywhere in Alabama this late in the year, there were leaves everywhere, I'm thinking this trail doesn't see a ton of traffic. Rained some yesterday, and the trail had dried some but holds water in spots, multiple creek crossings including one you pretty much have to wade. Be prepared to be very muddy/wet after a ride here at any point in the year. All in all this is a great place to ride, moderate climbs and fun descents. Has a little bit of everything from technical rocky/rooty sections, to sandstone slabs and ditches, to smooth flowy singletrack. Definitely one of the best places to ride in the north part of the state. Shortest loop is 13 miles, with an optional 6 mile extension at the top of the loop to extend your ride to 19 miles. As far as the logging operation mentioned in the post from last year it is done. While some spots of the trail are in close proximity to the logged area, it had no real effect on the trail itself. If you're looking for a great workout ride and want to have some fun while you're at it I'd definitely recommend it. Today for the 13 mile loop my time was just over 2 and a half hours, its a safe bet to have at least 3 hours once you get there to ride this trail, especially if it is your first time on it. Have fun, and good luck!

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  • Tom55

    Closed until further notice - logging operations in progress. FYI this is a dedicated horse only trail.
    Try Flint Creek ATV trail. Close by an 18 miles of intermediate riding.

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  • ****

    Rode it the day after Memorial Day as I was passing through the area for work. Parked at the trailhead with the station as this was my first ride on this trail. Overall a lot of fun with only afew minor comments about the experience overall.

    Lots of fun fast downhills. Plenty of good uphill burns. Generally good flow overall. Sandy bottom in a lot of sections that make manuevering and climbing tough.

    As mentioned, this is a shared trail with horseback riders so plenty of dodging horse "apples" during the ride.

    Also, not sure who is responsible for it but when I was there, the trail has several trees downed and pulled across the trail. It wasn't evident to me that the trail was closed as they were encountered several miles into the trails and at odd locations. As a result, there were several occassions that required dis-mounting to ferry across the downed trees.

    Only other issue for me is where the trail dumps at the gravel road at about 5 miles in from my start point. The return point to the trail wasn't obvious and it felt like i was riding contra-flow to the trail.

    If you are in the area or passing through try and take the time to check it out.

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Rider questions

Q: Is this trail boring?
A: No it is a good ride just be prepared to meet horses on the weekend. It also is not a well maintained trail and some down hill sections are washed out creating a hike a bike section. Just have a good map and know that with each loop you are going farther from the trail head so have plenty of water and food. For the best ride go in the fall during the week days and take lots of pictures. Mike Proverbs 3:5-6