A mountain biker in blue cycling gear rides swiftly along a dirt trail, with blurred surroundings suggesting high speed and motion. The terrain features trees and scattered leaves, indicating an outdoor setting. Pinhoti Trail: Snake Creek Gap To Dug Gap mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 16 mi (25.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +1,363/ -1,095 ft
Total: 80 riders

Mountain Biking Pinhoti Trail: Snake Creek Gap To Dug Gap

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#52 of 406 mountain bike trails in Georgia
#1,366 in the world

This is one of the most challenging singetrack sections of the Pinhoti Trail. Mostly singletrack, from the parking lot it goes straight up for about 3 miles. Then a technical ridgeline with some more climging. This is the first 16 miles of the 32 mile "Snake Creek Gap 6 Mountain Time Trial Series" held annually by NWGA SORBA. It's very challenging with total climbing of 2388 feet in 8 miles and total descending of 2732 feet in 8 miles. In this section you will ride over 4 mountains with minim elevation of about 1000 feet and max elevation of about 1800 feet. Be prepared to be on the trail around 3 hours if you are an average rider. Bring more water and gells than you think you need, it's a tough one. Roots, rocks, big rocks, little rocks and roots. I reccommend trying this one with someone who knows the trail first. You can check out NWGA SORBA Forum(http://www.nwgasorba.org/chewdafat/index.php), there'ss always peole who are posting rides to the "Snake" and would be glad to take first-timers. You can do this ride as a semi out and back by riding the road back (which makes total ride about 24 miles), you can do this as a shuttle ride back(takes 2 cars obviously), or if you are a bad-a$$, you can ride the actual trail out-and-back for 32 miles of some serious trail riding. Good Luck. You can print a map from this site: http://www.nwgasorba.org/DugGap_To_SnakeCreek.pdf

First added by sandm96 on Oct 22, 2006. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From Atlanta, North on I75 to exit 330. Turn left off of ramp onto hwy 136, follow this for 7 or so miles until it comes to a "T", turn right at the T and go about 4 miles, As you enter The Chattahoochi National Forest, be looking for the Snake Creek parking lot on the Right.

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2009 Snake Creek Gap Time Trial…
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  • Greg Wrenn

    Trail was a blast except it ate my lunch.

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  • El Chilango

    Rode it as an out-and-back ,started at the Red Roof Inn Dalton. The paved
    road climb is a great warm-up for what is about to come. Physically very challenging like everyone says lots of rocks, roots and elevation. Plan on around 5 plus hours. Carrie plenty of nutrition and water as you'll need it. There is no opportunity to refuel only a bathroom at the turnaround. my GPS showed about 36 miles round trip. Also don't forget to carry extra tubes, odds of getting a flat high due to rocks. Bottom line is super fun trail if you like to get beat up.

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  • theschwag

    Lots of rocks and lots of big roots on the trail. Be prepared to climb alot.

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  • brcjacks   ✓ supporter

    This part of the Pinhito is not like the Armuchee To Snake Creek Gap leg. This one will kick your ass. You better be in shape for this one and not mind walking your bike through about a dozen rock gardens on the ridge. These sections may be ride-able but you will be quite by the time you get to them. Even seasoned racers respect this trail. Bring lots of lightweight food and water.
    It's a fun trail and paired with the Armuchee To Snake Creek Gap leg it's an intense workout. When you get to "rock hell" you're almost to the big descent, 1 mile of dirt road and 1 mile of pavement to the convention center parking lot.

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  • corndoggreg

    Rocks, roots and climbing. This section is challenging. Have plenty of water and trail goodies as you are completely isolated out here. Now get out and ride!

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  • bluehexag0nsun

    So there is a lot of climbing. And then you climb some more. I only did about half of this section as an out-and-back for a total of around 15 miles. Took me an hour to get to where I turned around at the top on the ridge and about 20 minutes to get back to the parking lot. There are rock gardens galore which can be pretty discouraging on the way up but quite rewarding when you bomb back down. Physically, this ride is very difficult. The technical parts are moderately difficult. I personally was not a fan of the extensive uphill stretch but maybe after some conditioning it could be more enjoyable.

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    This truly is the most difficult XC trail in North Georgia! The top of the ridgeline is an absolute maze of rocks. Most of it is rideable in at least one (if not both) directions, but it takes real talent and control of the bike. I rode this at the end of the 34 mile Snake Creek Gap Time Trial route and it wasn't pretty... I want to come back and try these rock gardens again with a fresh set of legs. If you like rocky, technical singletrack, come ride this trail!

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  • GoKite5

    Fantastic trail. It has a little bit of everything. The first two miles near Dug Gap are difficult. The trail is full of rocks that present constant moderate technical challenge. Never something extremely difficult, but rock after rock requiring an extremely good line to keep going. Did it as an out and back from Dug Gap, one of the most difficult trails I've done. Loved it.

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  • Jeff Barber

    Yes, portions of this trail are rocky and difficult to clean on a mountain bike but don't let that deter you! The singletrack leading down to the stream in the middle of the ride is spectacular and most of the climbs aren't too bad. A few sketchy, steeper sections gravity riders will enjoy as well.

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  • GoldenGoose

    This section of the Pinhoti trail was a real eye opener. 4+ hours for a 17 mile ride and I'm still exhausted a day later. Loose goat heads EVERYWHERE. Nothing about this trail is easy. Even the downhills leave you clenching your teeth and puckering the old rump. I can't imagine the type of sadistic person who would actually enjoy racing out here on a Single Speed. Those of you who do choose to willingly race this place are Gods on bikes! Everyone who consideres themselves to be an avid mtb rider needs to experience this trail at least once.

    * Review edited 9/22/2010

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  • flamdrag8

    This trail is murder. ok, not really, but it is very tough. I like the challenge, but you really have to prepare to ride a trail like this, and bringing plenty of water and energy food is a must.

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  • dplusdude

    This is a very aerobically challenging trail, but does not belong in the same list as Porcupine or Downieville. While it has some burly climbs and tons of elevation delta, the trail itself lacks any flow and is built more with horses and hiking in mind. There's plenty of double track and fireroad and plenty of fast, yet boring descents. It's like an endless version of North Rim Trail in Bidwell Park, without all the fun of B trail and the addition of some overgrowth. Parking is tough on the Dug Gap side of things, and the trail head is difficult to find. My suggestion is to park at Snake Creek and do an out and back.

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  • Onatrance

    Awesome trail. Has everything a challenging trail should have. Long hard technical climbs that turn into fast technical downhills on the way back. Not a trail for beginner-intermediate riders but for those who like a challenge you will not be dissapointed. There are a few hike-a-bike sections for all but the very best riders. If you want to test your skills, legs and lungs, the Snake is the trail for you. You can also start at Dry Creek near Sublinga GA for a total of 34 miles one way but beware. This involves over 5000 feet of climbing over 34 miles and you would need a shuttle to the start as an out and back on this would not be advised. Ride in the winter and you don't have to worry about the Rattlers but you will get more rocks and roots you ever thought possible on a trail.

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  • Nickelsonx1

    Great ride. Climb your way in for the most part and enjoy the ride on the way out. Nice switch backs. At the top enjoy the veiw of Lookout Mountain. It's the flat topped mountain in far distance.

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  • KDubYa

    Bring your lungs and your Tech Skills... This one can bite you* Review edited 1/3/2008

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  • rodrodriguez2003

    you must be in great shape to enjoy this trail. lots of rocks in sections. nice downhills.

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  • sandm96

    This is and Epic ride. Bring more water than you think. The climbs are tough, even when you're not climbing, it's technical. The downhills are fun and very rewarding. If you go solo, I recommend letting someone know, someone who knows the trails so they can come looking for you if you turn up missing. That's how challenging this trail is. I Love It!!!

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