A winding dirt path surrounded by tall green grass and slender white birch trees in a lush forest setting. Pipeline Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 9 mi (14.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +218/ -1,261 ft
Total: 40 riders

Mountain Biking Pipeline Trail

****   Add a review
#336 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#3,262 in the world

The Jones Park Trail, while mostly downhill, still has a good amount of climbing--not what you want to see after slogging up 16 miles of Gold Camp Road. Also probably not what you want to see if you're shuttling. What the Pipeline trail gives you is a much straighter, and almost all downhill path to the same outlet. Remember to veer left on trail 622 A rather than right down 622 (aka Seven Bridges Trail). Then hook right on 667 (this is where you meet back up with the Jones Park downhill route. About a mile later, trail 667 bears right. For the longest downhill, bear left onto trail 666 aka Bear Creek Trail. This is a very fun downhill extension with some technical spots, some spooky exposure, and fantastic views of a very rugged canyon. You will merge onto High Drive, where you could leave a shuttle vehicle (beware, however, High Drive is one way and only open in the summer months). Between the Falcon Guide "Mountain Biking Colorado Springs" and Trails Illustrated 137 "Pikes Peak, Canon City," this one's pretty easy to piece together.

First added by John Fisch on Mar 22, 2008. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Look up the directions to the Jones Park trail. They share the same trailhead. From where you park your shuttle vehicle (if you shuttled--highly recommended), instead of taking trail 701 to the left, go straight down trail 668--this is the pipeline trail.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Colorado Springs, Colorado

Intermediate | 8 mi
| 1.5 mi
Intermediate | 12 mi
| 0.9 mi

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  • rcraft6826   ✓ supporter

    I figure it is time that pipeline got an up to date review. While at one time this trail was in fact a viable alternative to the longer Jones downhill, it no longer is. The entire trail from top to bottom has been so washed out and eroded it is no longer rideable in most sections due to the massive rut that has developed in the middle of the trail. It has become incredibly steep, and frankly not at all fun to ride anymore. If you do decide to ride up in this area before they shut it down to bikers do yourself a favor and just take the longer Jones downhill route... you'll be glad you did.

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  • Gwardy

    RoadWarrior - This trail system was created by motorcycle for motorcycles. You get the side affect of using this trail because it's Multi-Use state. Not sure why people complain about "moto's" when mtb's were not even around that long ago. Sadly you give us the same attitude about Moab...with us you would not even have any trails. Please thank CMTRA for their work at maintaining the trails. You don't like the condition then volunteer, or at least give $25.25 to the OHV sticker fund so trails are then maintained. Oh and CO is made up of decomposing granite, get used to it.

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  • RoadWarrior

    Fairly typical of the trails in the area, chewed up by motos, lots of pea gravel. Does have some nice sections, and technical spots to keep you awake. One big plus; it's all downhill.

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  • pdinsurance

    This trail has a couple good sections, but overall is very loose and technical.

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  • John Fisch

    The pipleine trail provides a great alternative to the more famous Jones Park route. It's more direct and more consistently downhill, which is nice since both trails are mostly bottomless gravel, which is a whole lot easier to ride down than up. Multiple forks and side trails provide a variety of possible routes making a map and/or a local guide very helpful. Most will shuttle it, but if you've got the legs and the lungs, the St Marys Falls trail makes a viable uphill leg so you can earn your turns. Either Bear Creek or the Seven Bridges trail provide a good finish.

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  • hitechredneck

    I rode this trail the other day and WOW the rain has done a number on it!!! This has turned from a fast flowy with some rock gardens to a hold onto your b*** trail. The ruts in the middle of the trail are just wide enough to grab your tires and guide you where it thinks you should go. Rocks have grown out of nowhere and there is a section or two that had 4' walls of washout where the trail has turned into a washout canyon. It has gotten much rougher over the last 2 months with all the rain. If you have riden this before then you will know what im talking about. I rode it on a 6" bike and it was not mean enough for that so i went and rode on a 5" bike and wished i had brought the 6" bike with 160mm front fork 130 was having to go much slower. A great ride. I rode up from the bottom and that is a long boring climb!!! I rec trying to find someone with a truck going up oldstage to go wheeling to drop you off. I have sat at the bottom of old stage where it turns into gravel from paved and flaged down trucks before to get a free ride up. Over all i give this trail a thumbs up! Has gotten way more fun with all the rain. Go give it a shot.

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