A person in a pink long-sleeve shirt rides a mountain bike over a wooden bridge on a dirt trail surrounded by trees. The trail curves sharply, and the scene captures the action of biking in a wooded area. Pleasant View mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +384/ -385 ft
Total: 27 riders

Mountain Biking Pleasant View

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#30 of 388 mountain bike trails in Wisconsin
#1,427 in the world

Pleasant View is relatively new but growing rapidly! It started off with a pump track, skills area and some jump lines, which are still there but now CORP keeps adding singletrack. I'd estimate 3 miles right now as they've hired Landowski Trailworx to help with lots of volunteers to create some delicious flow and huge berms with optional jumps, rock gardens and expert trail. The trail is mostly in the woods with a bit in the prairie. Everytime I go the trail gets bigger and better and you can see tons of other work started that's not ready to ride but will be even more awesome.

While not much of a jumper myself, the dirt jumps look pristine and are downhill fed for extra speed.

You can also connect to Blackhawk (if you're a Blackhawk member) by veering left down a steep downhill (at the bottom there is some new singletrack as well) and then there's a gate to go around. Connect the two and you're looking at a couple fun hours of riding.

While not much of a jumper myself, the dirt jumps look pristine and are downhill fed for extra speed.

Also, the Pleasant View trailhead is at a golf course which means you can grab a beer right at the trailhead when you're done!

First added by Mark Larson on Jun 3, 2016. Last updated Apr 27, 2023. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: yes
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Pleasant View golf course no longer allows parking, instead park at CXC Outdoor Center on Schwartz Rd. in Middleton and start from the trailhead there.

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Good (Aug 9, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Middleton, Wisconsin

Advanced | 5 mi
Advanced | 0 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
Easiest | 48 mi

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  • browntown007

    Wow, what an impressive trail system. Easy access and meticulously maintained trails. Granted I am still a relative newbie to mtb, the berms were by far the best I have ever ridden. The trails have a ton of flow and the trails are super well marked with signage every few hundred feet. The only downside is the flowy downhill sections are 2 way, so beware of other riders especially on evenings and weekends. The "slice" trail also connects with the blackhawk trail system. You can check the trail status at madcitydirt.com the volunteers have done an amazing job here so make sure to never ride if you are leaving ruts. I will be back here soon!

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  • Matthew Bonner

    Perfectly manicured berms leading into flowy downhill. Wide switchbacks that don't complete obliterate all your speed. Climbs that trick you into thinking you're still descending. A beautiful backdrop of prairie and forest scenes. If you want your idea of an urban trail system to be blown out of the water, this is the place for you.

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  • Erik P

    Short, only 3 mi of trail, but these trails were designed by someone who knows what they're doing. They're designed to be fun, fast, and flowy. Yet, they are challenging at times. They go up and down some hilly terrain, but the hills are well designed to maximize your effort (well thought out pumps or switchbacks lesson the impact some).

    The trail head has a small bike pump track (best suited for BMX bikes IMHO), but after that it's a connector style trail that's a mix of wooded singletrack and open fields. Once you reach the back portion of this trail system, this is where it shines. Its comprised of a couple of loops (in the woods) that snake around gullys and hillsides, utilizing bridges, berms, and switchbacks to help you enjoy the journey. This trail is a gem in the Madison/Middleton area, and easily my go-to ride destination..

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  • dmoser30

    One of the best in the Madison area definitely check the new build the trails are built for every style of rider. My favorite place at the moment.

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  • Thermal Damage

    Chad Landowski is a genius trail designer and has turned this area and Blackhawk Ski Club into a destination ride. Blackhawk, too, has a lot of new banked downhills (try Howling Wolff), flowing uphills an inexpensive biking membership and they connect nicely. New trail construction is ongoing and Middleton seems committed to expanding its recreation real estate.

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  • DJHorne

    Great, fun, fast, flowing single track through the trees and across some prairies!

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  • DJHorne

    Excellent single track with lots of fun flowing twists and obstacles!

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Rider questions

Q: Is it free?
A: Yes. There are no trail fees. Hopefully riders will continue to respect the trails and other venue users, so it will stay that way.