A tranquil forest scene featuring a shallow creek flowing through lush greenery. On the left, a dirt path leads into the woods, while on the right, a small rise leads away from the water. Several trees frame the scene, and a hint of a red marker or post can be seen in the background. The overall atmosphere is serene and natural. Parks of Aledo Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +228/ -181 ft
Total: 18 riders

Mountain Biking Parks of Aledo Trail

*****   Add a review
#58 of 279 mountain bike trails in Texas
#2,246 in the world

Six mile loop built into a housing development. Main trailhead is off Creekview Terrace, but there are multiple places to enter the trail. Lots of tight twists, turns and switchbacks, and a generous amount of downhill flow.

All the loops in the uploaded map have now been completed.

First added by SlowMitch on May 9, 2018. Last updated Apr 9, 2021. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: no
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: no
  • Pump track: no
  • Restrooms: no
  • Fat bike grooming: no
  • E-bikes allowed: yes
  • Fee required: no
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Approximate trailhead address is 200 Creekview Terrace, Aledo, TX 76008. Located a few blocks off 1187 south of I-20

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Aledo, Texas

| 0.4 mi

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  • s.norairii

    Another great example of what you can do with limited space. This trail isn't difficult by any means, but has everything you need to practice the fundimentals. After riding it dozens of times it does feel a bit like a nascar circuit, but it's fast, flowy, and has optional lines here and there. You have to watch out for walkers, but this trail is great for rocky XC race training and beginners alike.

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  • bikerpeace87

    I applaud the designers and builders on this track. Wow! What they have done with the limited space is amazing. It's a bonus that it only a mile from work. First time there yesterday, did the outermost track which connects all the loops. Ended up being 6.25 miles. Smooth, Singletrack, fast, curvy, couple rock gardens, couple creek crossings, and a couple wooden structures. Clearly marked trails. Trails in the woods for the most part.

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  • StefE

    I agree with the below review. A few obstacles, but nothing too difficult. This was the first trail I rode, the first time I rode a mountain bike. The trail was built by Shadow Trail Designs and is maintained by a Weatherford Mountain Bike Club.

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  • FredCook   ✓ supporter

    This trail is also (officially, I believe) known as Point Vista.

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  • Jspaulding

    Please be respectful of the people who live here. This is right in the middle of thier neighborhood, and every local I came across was extremely polite, and happy to share the trail. I'm sure if riders start trashing the trails and aren't parking in the designated parking area that will change. Trails are well designed and maintained. Safe enough for beginners to have fun and learn, but interesting and challenging enough that veterans won't get bored. Blue trail north of the trail head has some tighter turns, and not a lot of speed, but plenty of fun. The yellow and green loops south of the trailhead provide more flow and speed. There are a couple of switchback climbs with room to bail if needed, and a water crossing that I saw a couple people have a little trouble with, but again, plenty of room to clip out and walk if needed. Very nice trails, will be back.

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  • Bret Barnett

    Great trail for beginner to intermediate. Bridges, creek crossings, short climbs, and nice flowing downhills. Good trail to learn on and we ride it frequently.

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  • Dink

    Rode this new trail June second it awesome! Single Track, One Way, well marked. Fast and Flowing with just the right amount of obstacles. Take water. No restroom facilities.

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  • Dink

    Great new trail located at the Parks of Aledo Housing Development. South of Aledo High School. Well marked and maintained. Enjoy!

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  • FredCook   ✓ supporter

    Thanks for adding this little known little trail SlowMitch.

    Agree, surprising little trail. Pretty new, well designed. For those of you familiar with DFW trails, if LB Houston is a 1 (1st time beginner), and Isle du Bois and Johnson Branch's last loop are 10's (advanced), I'd rate this ride a 2-3ish. Hard to rate trails... always subjective to experience. Some nice short sweeping runs, a little low grade climbing, a couple of easy TTF's. And yeah, the boulder field SlowMitch mentions near the end is interesting. :) If you have a low bottom bracket, watch your chain ring. This is a nice after work quick ride for someone living or working close by. Bring your hard tail, full suspension not required.

    MTB Project lists Fort Worth Mountain Bikers Association as the associated local club, but noting on their web site about this trail, so not sure if this is accurate and whether or not they maintain the trail. Would be nice to know how builds and maintains it, they deserve credit. MTB Project also lists Fort Worth Parks as the landowner, but this trail is in Aledo, so don't think this is accurate as well.

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  • SlowMitch

    I'll admit, when i first found out about this trail, I didn't have high hopes that it would be worth visiting. It's in the middle of a growing housing development stealthily winding through rural wooded areas, and the main trailhead doesn't really have any parking. I expected flat trails with little in the way of obstacles or TTF's.

    I was seriously surprised by how good this trail is. Its a 6 mile loop that is brilliantly cut to take advantage of all the ups and downs the terrain has to offer. Terrain is for the most part loose dirt with occasional rock gardens (you'll have a good laugh when you approach the last rock garden of the trail. You'll know why when you see it). There is a very generous amount of downhill time on this trail. You just really don't expect this much flow in an area surrounded by houses. It's nothing particularly steep or technical, but the elevation changes are so frequent that you don't have to spend much time climbing before a quick descent sneaks up on you. And although it's a shorter trail, you'll still get a good workout from one or two laps. Overall difficulty is is probably a 5 out of 10, and safe for riders of all skill levels.

    EDIT - Since I posted this review a few things have changed. The last rock garden I mentioned has been "reduced" significantly, and several wood bridges/boardwalks have been added in different parts of the trail to accommodate drainage issues around the trail, and thankfully some of them can be jumped. Fun Factor on this trail only went up with the addition of these jumps.

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Rider questions

Q: Is the a place to check whether or not the trails are open to ride