Powerline Trail is a good option to add on to the Enduro Loop and is mostly singletrack with a couple short two-track sections.
Once on the Powerline trail as described above, follow the main cowtrail contouring across the sage. The trail crosses a two-track and then follows another two-track for a quick descent to a small basin. Go right here looking for singletrack on the hillside. The trail climbs and meets a twotrack, follow the two-track to the power poles and go right picking up the trail between them. Descend into the gulch and bear right cross to another gulch at Dead Sheep Spring. Here climb and then bear right on trail through sage. Go right on the next two-track briefly, then bear right on the obvious cowtrail to Marker #5 and the Enduro Trail.
Powerline Trail is unmarked at the present time, but is recognized by the BLM as part of the Disco Hill Trail System. Local riders are working to improve this trail and eventually mark it with trail posts.