Rate it:
Length: 40 mi (64.4 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +297/ -307 ft
Total: 32 riders
Mountain Biking Prairie City Off Road Park
#306 of 1,005 mountain bike trails in California
Early April till late June the park is closed to moterized vehicles on Wednesday's evening's. This is the only time we came ride there on the single track and double track mostly. RaceMTB.com holds races which are fun and easy going and are the reason we can us the property Wednesday night's. As long as you stay out of the way and are out by 8:00 p.m. it's all good.
First added by Juan_Gear on Mar 12, 2006. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Prairie City Road off of I-80 sothe to Grantline Road then about a mile West to main entrance
This park provides a great place for races. Because of all the trails there they can set up a different course each week. I don't think this place would be that much fun to ride if you weren't racing. Maybe cool to explore around once, but racing it is very fun. see www.racemtbikes.com for race info. every wednesday night!
Thank |Hope you like short, fast climbs and Baby Heads
Thank |