Level: Beginner
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Figure 8
Elevation: +309/ -227 ft
Total: 13 riders

Mountain Biking Promised Land Lake

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#144 of 293 mountain bike trails in Pennsylvania
#6,108 in the world

This is a fairly gentle 7.5 mile mainly forest road (paved) trail around the
perimeter of Promised Land Lake. There are beautiful views of the lake for the
entire ride which takes you through very pretty wooded scenery, which in July
is full of rhododendrons. There are also options to add in loops to Ridgefield and
Pickerel Points as well as a one mile doubletrack flat wooded trail around
Constitution Island. There is a very good trail map available for this and other
trails at Promised Land and trail intersections are clearly marked and numbered.

Starting at the beach parking area, look for a path on the right which takes you
along the side of the lake to a small bridge above a dam. Cross the bridge and
turn left, going through a small parking lot. At the end of the lot is a gravel trail
which takes you to Park Ave which continues around the lake, passing
Constitution Island along the way. At the end of Park Ave (trail intersection
#89) turn left and continue round the lake, on this section you will pass the
entrance to both Pickerel point and Ridgefield Point. At trail intersection #72
turn left along a short wooded path before turning left into a campsite. Follow
the trail through the campsite and take a small trail at intersection #94 back to
the beach parking lot.

First added by mikegibbs on Oct 1, 2010. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Promised Land Stet park can be found about 3 miles south of I-84 exit 26 and is
well signed from Route 390. Park at the main beach parking area.

Promised Land Lake Trail map

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  • DirtyMartini

    like Lionel Ritchie.......e A sy like Sunday morning.

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  • ac90002

    This is really 2 different sections of riding - the campground and the state forest bordering on the south side. The map posted here is a paved road around the campsite. To call this Intermediate is a huge stretch; only a complete mtb newbie is gonna find this anything but a yawn. The state forest has single and doubletrack, ranging from easy peaceful grassy fire road to tight rocky nearly unrideable stretches on the blue trail.

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  • Phillychris498

    Just double track, pretty bumpy, with some sort of challenging climbs.

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  • sewfine34

    The trail mentioned above is all paved access road for the summer residents who live around the lake. If you park your vehicle at the Park office on the opposite side of 390, go into the park office and pick up a trail map. Then ride toward the lower lake. To your left you will find a network of trails which are all interconnected and is a great ride! This connects to the state forest. I have taken these trails many times and always find something new. Trails are well marked.

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