Prompton St Park trail photo
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Level: Advanced
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +522/ -127 ft
Total: 27 riders

Mountain Biking Prompton St Park

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#65 of 293 mountain bike trails in Pennsylvania
#2,567 in the world

most start by going across the damm (it`s ok to ride across it) then ya can take the red trail all the way around the lake counterclockwise,at the north end ya have to go out on the road rt170 then back on the trail at the r/c air port parking lot thats about 9.5 miles.the other is to start the same way but take the yellow trail at the start by the red go right take that to the blue then the white then the green to the orange to another green to another red (that`s the clif trail real kool) down the hill and out to the road again to rc parking lot start back the red on that side till ya see a white trail on your right up the hill take it back to main lot.that is about 17 miles but its better if ya go with someone who knows the trails,i`am always available.

First added by searsandrewj on Sep 4, 2004. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
take rt 6 west from honesdale to rt 170 right turn there go 1/ 2 mile to parking lot on the right.also coming from waymart head east on rt 6 to rt 170 left turn then 1/2 mile to parking lot.

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  • Jeff White

    Trail was wet but fun and fast. Some major obstacles some washouts but still fast and fun.

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  • Statenheimer

    Awesome place. Trails are well marked, and maintained. Did a nice loop of 11.25 miles, but there are several options for shorter loops and combinations. Lots of rocks and roots, many rock gardens, with nice scenery. A must-ride if in the area with time to kill. Would rate it somewhere between intermediate and advanced depending on the pace you are trying to keep and how far you're going.

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  • Jeff White

    not for the faint at heart. bolder rock crossings, stumps not cut flush,uphills are steep..

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  • shopkins74

    When I arrived at the park, I was briefly disapointed to discover that the dam area was closed. I was almost led to believe that the entire park was shut down due to dam construction, but I drove down to the boat ramp on 170 and was relieved to find out that it is indeed open to the public. My ride started clockwise from here and I went as far as a 45 minute ride would take me in that direction, turned around and spent another 45 coming back. All in all, an excellent area for the intermediate/advanced rider looking for some tight singletrack and fun surprises. The West side of the lake is extremely tight single track, rooty, rocky, but visibly maintained. Not too much climbing on this side, but enough change in elevation to change up your speed a little. If I wasn't alone I would have probably picked up the pace somewhat but since it was my first time at Prompton, and with little to no cell signal, I didn't want this ride turning sour real quick. The west side ends in an open field and from there you have to briefly ride 170, make a right at the first intersection, and continue your ride on the right side entrance (this is another good place to park if you want to skip the west side entirely). However, parking is very limited. The north side is where it really got interesting. Bike in, cross the little wooden bridge and start climbing. This is a really soild climb and would compare it to most of the climbs at Wiss Valley in Philly. You will be rewarded the entire climb with cliff like views, pine forest, and the the sound of the creek to your left. Beautiful. Once up top you have some choices on trials. I decided to ride Cliff Trail, Blueberry Trail, and Pine Creek Trail. By far, Pine Creek Trail was the best simply for the constant switchbacks, compact surface, stream crossings, log and rock overs, and the speed I could afford to build. This is surprising well-maintained by some generous fellow riders (hats off to them for this). The trails are clearly marked and directional signs are posted at trail intersections so you can customize your ride. I didn't have the time to explore like I would have liked but will definately spend more time up there next ride. I came back down Cliff Trail and decided to ride Sidewinder Trail on my decent. Again, very tight single track, "rockovers" galore, and a general switchback motion all the way down. A challange especially if you want to hit it with speed. This is about as far as I got before I realized I was out of time. I will return to hit the remaining 3 quarters of the park but will need to bring some fellow comrades to get the competitive juices flowing and put my "loner hesitation" too rest. I definately could have shaved 10-15 minutes off my ride time (in a good way) if I wasn't worried about trail markers or ending up lost, or even worse...Lost and Hurt.

    * Review edited 5/29/2012

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  • dirtrider6

    My first time there, Lee had a good knowledge of the loop, Trail conditions wet and very slippery, tons of moss covered rocks and thousands of slimy roots on the trail. Trails are very rural, meaning they are not groomed, very rough tough n.e. PA. singletrack.
    Check out video I'll be adding, Lee is on a Redline single speed 29er, I'm on a Gary Fisher HiFi Deluxe 29er.

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  • alicegershuny

    I work up in this area during the summer - I've been told this park is currently closed for redevelopment for at least 18 months or so.

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  • Robert_Ost

    Ride this trail many times 5-6 times monthly. Always finding new hidden gems in the many secondary trails. This is the best trail in Wayne/Pike counties. Must be added to all singletrack wish list.

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  • sckinz1

    Very good ride. Crossed the dam and went straight back to the periphery trails. These follow the ridge for the most part. Lots of twisty single track, rocky areas, and surprises. In many places it was difficult to see the trail ahead. I plan to go back but this time I will make a complete loop around the reservoir. This was just far enough above my skill level to make it challenging but frustrating. Many muddy areas that could use some attention.

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