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Level: Beginner
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: 4x4 Trail
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: -
Total: 1 riders
Mountain Biking Puketi Kauri Forest
#125 of 172 mountain bike trails in North Island
This remnant lowland Kauri Forest is one of the most diverse in New Zealand with over 360 indigenous species of plants and a number of threatened fauna species.
Mountain biking is allowed on the Pirau Ridge Road. It's a steeply undulating 4x4 forestry road that makes for a good 20 km out-and-back fitness ride but it doesn't take in the best of the forest nor offer good views.
Your best bet is to bring your hiking boots and walk the Puketi Nature Trail and the Manginangina Kauri Walk. Then take you bike to the Waitangi Bike Park!
First added by Jim Cummings on Nov 10, 2016. Last updated Sep 16, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: yes
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
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About 600 metres north of Waipapa turn left into Pungaere Road and follow the signs to Puketi Forest Park. You'll follow the gravelled Pungaere Road for about 15 km, then turn left at a T-intersection. After a further 2 km you'll see the entrance to the camping ground and DOC lodge on your right.
It's a magnificent forest but you'll miss the best of it if you just ride your bike. We stayed overnight in DOC's Puketi Forest Hut which you can book on-line. The mountain biking wasn't the highlight of our stay! The Pirau Ridge Road has little scenic, natural, heritage nor technical merit. It did make for a good workout.
Incidentally, the camping ground is now a popular stop-off for the long distance walkers on the Te Aroha Trail. You might see a few of them on Pirau Road too.
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