A mountain bike suspended on a metal rack in a wooded area. The bike has a dirty frame and tires, indicating recent use on a trail. The background features tall trees and a mix of soil and gravel underfoot. A wooden post is visible next to the bike. Redbug mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +246/ -237 ft
Total: 92 riders

Mountain Biking Redbug

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#16 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
#705 in the world

This is a great trail, I live in the area and ride it multiple times a week however like stated in previous review this is not the most technical trail in florida is is a 2/5 for technicality since most of the hard parts you can go around if desired.
-Description by aewynn0915

First added by christopher_pharis1 on Sep 19, 2006. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Find meridan. crosses over I-10. go north on meridian. pull into Forest Meadows. look left to the tree line and it is right there.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Tallahassee, Florida

Intermediate | 1 mi
Beginner | 3 mi
Advanced | 1 mi
Advanced | 3 mi

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  • Kenny Koon

    Very confusing for new riders to find there way. There are many proposed expansion maps online and it is hard to know what is built out and what is not.

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  • krow272   ✓ supporter

    Beautiful trail. Easy climbs. Fun little downhills. Good condition.

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  • heavyd

    Fun trail with a good bit of roots, a few rock sections, log rides, (you can go around if you don't want to hit them) with a little bit of flow. Not much elevation change. It reminded me of a trail I ride often in Mobile, Al called USA or South trail.

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  • keraunosf02

    Easy in some spots but rough in a lot of places mainly bexause of roots ! These will deffinately slow your momentum when trying to go uphill. Good elevation changes. Harder than I thought. Spme nice wooden bridges to cross. Took a couple nasty spills. Tight corners and turns and A lot of them! WARNING: THERE IS A BRIDGE DOWN AROUND MARKER 25 to 26! THERE IS TAPE ACROSS IT BUT IF YOU WANT YOU CAN WALK ACROSS IT BE CAREFUL IT IS HALF FALLEN INTO RIVER. Dont see easy way around it. Other than that good trail. I ended up at markers around 115 and the maps only say it goes up to 102. Little confusing at end. It goes onto main path by ballfields and cuts back into woods but there is no marker to let you know it goes back in. No big deal its at the end anyways. Great trail! Wil be making it a regular.

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  • climb_head

    Similar to the way intestines pack a lot of real estate into a small area Red Bug packs it's endless turns into a small amount of acearage. It feels a bit like the bmx track kids carved into the woods behind the house. But once you get past this Red Bug actually has a lot to offer. It is technical by Florida standards with a generous amount of roots and short steep climbs/descents and those turns of course. There are also stream crossings to keep things interesting. In the end it's a lot of fun.

    The forest is unique with little ponds, clear running streams, magnolia forest that's green year round and a spectacular little gully of ferns. There are a also a few saw palmettos and even a deep sandy stream crossing. The whole place feels a bit primeval like only Northern Florida can.

    The best way to ride Red Bug is to link it up with Mclay Gardens across Meridian Rd and the trails past Red Bug that lead to Lake Jackson. Taken all together it's a decently long adventure. Start at Mclay and link the trails systems together heading NW.

    Sometimes the best way to understand a trail system is by knowing what bike to bring. I would recommend a cross country bike for Red Bug. This is a place for old school, a steep head angle for the tight twistys. If roots hurt your soft bottom then perhaps a few inches of rear travel would be appreciated but certainly not necessary. A free ride bike would be overkill and certainly don't bring your wide bars unless you like hitting trees. Come to think of it a BMX bike might be a blast at Red Bug.

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  • aewynn0915

    great trail but unless you a really experienced rider expect to fall at least once or twice. this is a very violent trail while on it I have popped my wrist out of place, had a bike land on my head and had an entire cassette go into my shin leaving little teeth marks on it but with a little trail and error it will become one of your favorite trails

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  • Zachary Mckee

    Pretty technical rooty trail. Enjoyed the ride but it is a workout compared to tom

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  • colpotatos

    It's an o.k. ride. Here's a way to do it. Enter at Redbug marker "1." Then at marker "30" get on the hiking trail for 30 yards which takes you to the adjacent cross country trails that goes by Lake Jackson and hooks up with the red hills horse trials trails. Go with the flow and don't worry about getting lost. You can't. Eventually you hook back into redbug. It is the most heavily rooted trail in Tallahassee.

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  • colpotatos

    It's an o.k. ride. Here's a way to do it. Enter at Redbug marker "1." Then at marker "30" get on the hiking trail for 30 yards which takes you to the adjacent cross country trails that goes by Lake Jackson and hooks up with the red hills horse trials trails. Go with the flow and don't worry about getting lost. You can't. Eventually you hook back into redbug. It is the most heavily rooted trail in Tallahassee. Even going down stretches of heavy roots is difficult.

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  • *****

    This trail is good if you are looking for some technical riding. Lots and lots of tree vines. So be aware. If you are looking for something more enjoyable and fun, this isn't your trail.

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  • Michael Paul

    Rode this about a year and a half ago and it has not changed much. Very rooty, but a fun little 4.2 mile trail to track around on if you have an hour or so. The trails are in great shape, so thanks to the guys and gals who keep it going...

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  • XSpec

    Lots of roots, ups & downs, a down tree or two, some obstacles, just a little of everything. North side of the track has been updated/lengthened and the trail is now 4 miles long according to the map provided. Easy enough to connect to Lake Overstreet as well for a longer ride.

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  • wheelieboy

    This trail is very xc like. It has small elevation changes and a lot of roots. Very different from the other mountain bike park in the area, Tom Brown which has more flow and more elevation change. Still a fun ride though.

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  • limetownjack

    This trail is a lot of fun and it's very well maintained. Difficulty ranges from beginner to intermediate and the trail will take anywhere from 45 min to 1 1/2 hours depending on your fitness. Tom Brown is still better, but if you're looking for something else in the area then this is the trail for you.* Review edited 2/26/2012

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  • rodrodriguez2003

    easy to find. on meridian street at baseball park. park anywhere at diamonds. you will see signs. trail is a challenge.

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  • mountainbke_bro

    another one of the great places to race in the flat land of fl.

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