A black bear partially hidden among lush green foliage in a wooded area, with sunlight filtering through the trees. Reddish Knob mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,771/ -1,747 ft
Total: 55 riders

Mountain Biking Reddish Knob

*****   Add a review
#3 of 300 mountain bike trails in Virginia
#145 in the world

There are a bunch of loops available from here. Get a map or find a local for best results. As a minimum, the Falcon Guide "Mountain Biking Virginia" has some good info. There are a number of routes up, including Hone Quarry, the paved road, California Ridge, and Lynn Trail to Wolf Ridge, to Timber Ridge. None of these are easy. Even the paved road requires a steep grade over a long distance. Each of the singletrack options are even steeper and all but California Ridge can be highly techncal. At the top, be sure to take the little swirl of a road that goes to the top of Reddish Knob, the highest point in this part of VA, with unobstructed views of the Shanendoah to the east and West Virginia to the west. Any of those brutal singletrack climbs will make a fine downhill. At about 8 miles, the Timber ridge descent is the longest, but will require a few sharp climbs along the way. The last two miles before hitting the dirt road at the bottom are totally primo. The rest can be very rocky or very narrow or both. Much of the trail is covered with leaves or grass so you can't see what's at the bottom of the groove. That makes for some dicey moments if you're flying down at warp speed and you don't know where the roots and rocks are. The Timber Ridge to Wolf Ridge to Lynn trail descent is scary steep in places and has some very tight singletrack. If you take Wolf all the way down, or Timber Ridge, or the Sand Springs Mountain trail that lies between, you will arrive at Tillman road. Take this back north to Briery Branch Road to then head back up a couple miles to the parking area. Tillman Road turns into Tighlman Road, which can be confusing; don't worry, you're on the right path either way. If you want to take Timber Ridge all the way down (recommended for the last couple miles), make sure you don't miss the fork right at the intersection with Sand Springs Mountain. Pick your poison and have a great ride!

First added by John Fisch on May 10, 2010. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From Harrisonburg, take 42 south to Dayton. From Dayton take 257 west, following 257 signs through Montezuma and Ottobine. At Ottobine, follow 257 south. After a few miles, 257 will turn left and take the name Briery Branch Road. After a few more miles, Briery Branch Road will make a left and a right shortly thereafter. When you hit the right fork to Hone Quarry, stay left on Briery Branch. A few more miles you will see a parking area on the left right below the Briery Reservoir dam. This is a popular parking area for the myraid of loops possible from here.
System trails (1)
Intermediate difficultyTimber Ridge*****8 mi
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Harrisonburg, Virginia

Intermediate | 4 mi

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  • Vut73
    Reviewing Timber Ridge:

    Where the freaking choice to rate it a 6. Bad f*** ass trail. I shuttle it twice before. After this go a miles down the fr and rip down narrowback...going next Sunday again. Can't wait

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    All I can say is it was balls fun.

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  • Alex NIN

    one of my favorite rides for sure. Don't take a shuttle to the top it's a lot more rewarding if you pedal up and earn your downhill. Super fun descent down Timber Ridge to Wolf Ridge. Thanks to SVBC for the awesome trail work and new signs. I'll be back for sure.

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  • Cotharyus

    Parked on Tillman near where wolf ridge comes out, and took briary branch to the top, basically a 10 mile climb of ~3000 feet. From there, went out the Ridge Line trail to where Wolf Ridge splits off, and down wolf ridge. The old school section at the top is out of this world, but I was ready for the flowing sections on the re-route by the time I got to that. This route will give your brakes a serious workout.

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  • cjk911

    Take the Wolf Ridge Trail to Tillman Rd. The last few miles are some of the funnest, fastest, blowiest singletrack I've ever been on. Other than that I would recommend a full-suspension bike to soak up the rockiness. Excellent downhill with very doable lines.

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  • jtorlando25

    The Knob is a must ride. Getting shuttled to the top and riding it from the top down is the best way to go about it. EPIC down hills.

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  • Flying_W

    Parked @ Briery Branch Reservoir. Climbed 7 miles of pavement (SR924)*. Timber Ridge Trail starts on left just past scenic turnoff for to Reddish Knob 4397' at guardrail end. Did an endo in the first 100 yards, as leaf cover was thick. Really nice trails, killer views, few rock gardens, and lots of flow. Went left on Wolf Ridge Trail then left again to return to Briery Branch. * This 14 mile loop was advised as a pre-ride for the SMT the next day. Had I more time I would climb Hone Quarry Ridge rather than pavement.

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Rider questions

Q: What is the total elevation gain