255 Trails in Wyoming

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Medicine Bow Railway Trail  difficulty 20.0 Laramie
Medicine Lodge Archaeological Site  difficulty 0.0 Hyattville
Middle Fork Popo Agie River Advanced difficulty 18.0 **** Lander
Middle Kingdom (Curt Gowdy State Park) Intermediate difficulty 2.0 *** Cheyenne
Mill Creek (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 9.0 ***** Alta
Mo Rocka Advanced difficulty 2.0 ***** Laramie
Monument Ridge  difficulty 13.0 Bondurant
Moose Alley (Jackson Hole Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 1.0 **** Jackson
More Cowbell (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 1.0 **** Alta
Mosquito Creek (the Racecourse) Beginner difficulty 8.0 *** Wilson
Mount Washburn/Chittenden Rd. Easiest difficulty 6.0 **** Yellowstone National Park
Muddy Mountain trail system  difficulty 15.0 Casper
Munger Mountian (tusky Ridge, Wally's World, Poison Creek, Squaw Creek) Beginner difficulty 8.0 ***** Wilson
Myddy Guard Luvestock Trail  difficulty 3.0 Ten Sleep
NFSR 220  difficulty 8.0 Saratoga
NoMoJo (Wilkins Peak Trails) Intermediate difficulty 2.0 ***** Green River
North Cheyenne Community Park  difficulty 5.0 *** Cheyenne
North Fork Trail  difficulty 9.0 **** Centennial
North Laramie River Intermediate difficulty 3.0 *** Wheatland
North Piney Trail #112  difficulty 4.0 Sheridan
Old Brazill Ranch (Pinedale Bike Path)  difficulty 2.0 Pinedale
Old Highway Trail #140  difficulty 4.0 Lovell
Oly's  difficulty 1.2 Cody
Otter Slide (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 1.0 **** Alta
Outlaw's Greatest hits Beginner difficulty 9.0 **** Cody
Pansy (Wilkins Peak Trails) Intermediate difficulty 0.0 ***** Green River
Parent's House Loop  difficulty 5.0 Alpine
Pasture Park Trail  difficulty 6.0 Ten Sleep
Peaked (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Alta
Perma Grin (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 3.0 **** Alta
Pete's Hole Trail #104  difficulty 3.0 Lovell
Phillips Canyon Expert difficulty 15.0 ***** Wilson
Phillips Ridge Intermediate difficulty 15.0 ***** Wilson
Pick Your Poison (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 5.0 ***** Green River
Pika Traverse (Grand Targhee Bike Park)  difficulty 1.0 Alta
Pilot Hill  difficulty 13 Laramie
Pilot Hill Connector (Pilot Hill)  difficulty 7.5 Laramie
Pine Bluffs Nature Trail  difficulty 3.0 Pine Bluffs
Pinedale Bike Path Beginner difficulty 7.0 **** Pinedale
Prickly Pear  difficulty 1.9 Cody
Putt Putt (Snow King Mountain)  difficulty 2.0 Jackson
Quakie Ridge (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Beginner difficulty 6.0 **** Alta
Quealy Lake Loop  difficulty 18.0 Centennial
Quick Draw (Jackson Hole Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 2 *** Teton Village
Quickdraw (Wilkins Peak Trails) Intermediate difficulty 1.0 ***** Green River
Rapid Creek Trail #29  difficulty 2.0 Sheridan
Red Light District  difficulty 2 Cody
Rick's Basin (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Alta
Rock Creek Advanced difficulty 12.0 **** Arlington
Rock Creek Ridge  difficulty 5.0 Centennial

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