219 Trails in Alberta

Rank Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
51. Red Deer Mountain Bike Park Advanced difficulty 0.0 **** Red Deer
52. Prairie View Advanced difficulty 4.0 **** Canmore
53. Sibbald Lake Provincial Recreation Area Advanced difficulty 7.0 **** Cochrane
54. Big Bend (Trail #126) Advanced difficulty 10.0 **** Jasper
55. Wapiti Nordic Trails Easiest difficulty 25.0 **** Grande Prairie
56. Ross Creek Area Intermediate difficulty 9.0 ***** Fort Saskatchewan
57. devin Expert difficulty 1.0 ***** edmonton
58. Pinetop - Jumping Pound Trail Intermediate difficulty 6.0 **** Cochrane - Calgary
59. Joachim Valley Trail Beginner difficulty 10.0 **** Hinton
60. Razor's Edge  difficulty 3.0 Canmore
61. William A. Switzer Provincial Park Beginner difficulty 30.0 **** Hinton
62. The Toe (Tunnel Mountain Trail System) Intermediate difficulty 5.0 **** Banff
63. Hochimini Advanced difficulty 4.0 **** Jasper
64. Jacques Lake Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Jasper
65. Stoney Trail Beginner difficulty 15.0 *** Canmore
66. Crimson Lake Provincial Park Beginner difficulty 10.0 *** Rocky Mountain House
67. Maxwell Lake / Beaver Board Walk Advanced difficulty 2.0 **** Hinton
68. Athabasca Pass Beginner difficulty 11.0 *** Jasper
69. #15 - Catholic Church to Pyramid Lake return Intermediate difficulty 6.0 *** Jasper
70. Stovepipe Expert difficulty 500.0 ***** Edmonton
71. Tramline Beginner difficulty 3.0 *** Lake Louise
72. Winter Cross Advanced difficulty 2.0 **** Jasper
73. South Glenmore Bicycle Pump Track  difficulty 0 Calgary
74. Great Divide Bike Path Easiest difficulty 7.0 ** Lake Louise
75. Jumping Pound Ridge/Cox HIll  difficulty 23.0 Kananaskis
76. Bow River Loop Beginner difficulty 4.0 ** Lake Louise
77. Horseshoe to Ridge Road (Horseshoe Loop) Beginner difficulty 1.0 *** Canmore
78. Willmore Park Intermediate difficulty 11.0 *** Edson
79. Lost Lands Downhill and into Jasper Advanced difficulty 3.0 *** Jasper
80. Tunnel Campground Loop (Tunnel Mountain Trail System) Beginner difficulty 4.0 *** Banff
81. Cold Lake Bike Park  difficulty 3 Cold Lake
82. Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area  difficulty 140.0 Tofield
83. Snake Indian Falls  difficulty 34.0 Jasper
84. Gorge Creek Loop  difficulty 13.0 Calgary
85. Barrier Powerline Easiest difficulty 2.0 ** Canmore
86. Sheep River Provincial Park Intermediate difficulty 10.0 ** Millarville
87. River Valley Central  difficulty 14.0 Edmonton
88. Quaite Valley Trail  difficulty 3.0 Canmore
89. Crandall Lake Trail  difficulty 10.0 Waterton Lakes
90. High Rockies Trail  difficulty 21.0 Canmore
91. Elbow River Provincial Recreation Area  difficulty 31.0 Bragg Creek
92. Winsport Bike Park Beginner difficulty 6.0 * Calgary
93. West Side Trail  difficulty 12.0 Canmore
94. Hinton Skills Park  difficulty 4.0 Hinton
95. Tunnel Trail  difficulty 9.0 Jasper
96. River Valley East  difficulty 10.0 Edmonton
97. Akamina Pass  difficulty 2.3 Waterton Lakes
98. River Valley West  difficulty 17.0 Edmonton
99. Spray River  difficulty 7.0 Banff
100. Chester Lake Trail  difficulty 2.0 Kananaskis

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