36 Trails in Chase, British Columbia

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park  difficulty 26.0 Scotch Creek
Mt Morrisey XC trails  difficulty 20.0 ** Thompson-Nicola
Sun Peaks Bike Park  difficulty 20.0 Heffley Creek
Wade Road Trails (Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park) Intermediate difficulty 9.0 ***** Chase
Big Rock Ride (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 8.3 Heffley Creek
Holy Cow (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 7.91 Sun Peaks
Great Grey (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.39 Sun Peaks
McGillvray Lake Trail (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.33 Sun Peaks
Crossing (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.3 Thompson-Nicola
Honey Drop (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 1.17 Sun Peaks
Mt Morrisey Link (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.1 Heffley Creek
DH (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 1.1 Heffley Creek
Insanity One (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 1.08 Sun Peaks
Marten (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.02 Sun Peaks
Mt Morrisey Road (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.97 Heffley Creek
Behind Bars (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.8 Heffley Creek
Arm Pump (Morrissey Ridge Trail System)  difficulty 0.8 Fernie
Barn Burner (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.8 Heffley Creek
Dog Sled (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.7 Thompson-Nicola
Bermalade (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.68 Sun Peaks
Gummy Bear (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.62 Sun Peaks
Biker Cross (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.6 Heffley Creek
Bruin Romp (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.6 Thompson-Nicola
Holy Rollers (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.59 Sun Peaks
Keener (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.56 Sun Peaks
En Garde (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.5 Thompson-Nicola
Blue Grouse (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.5 Thompson-Nicola
Black Bear (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.5 Thompson-Nicola
Lynx (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.48 Sun Peaks
Lever Lovers (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.44 Sun Peaks
Mach (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.41 Sun Peaks
Kaboom (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.35 Sun Peaks
Cat Trax (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.3 Heffley Creek
Moose Track (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.21 Heffley Creek
Big Brenter (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.2 Thompson-Nicola
Gnar Boom (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.16 Sun Peaks

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