1,379 Trails in British Columbia

Rank Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
1151. Holy Rollers (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.59 Sun Peaks
1152. Bermalade (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.68 Sun Peaks
1153. Honey Drop (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 1.17 Sun Peaks
1154. Honey Trail (Mountain Station)  difficulty 0.08 Nelson
1155. Hooktender (Zappa Trails)  difficulty 0.46 Whistler
1156. Lower Buffalo Jump (Kicking Horse Mountain Bike Park)  difficulty 0.27 Golden
1157. Hot Cherry (Hartland Mountain Bike Park)  difficulty 0.56 Victoria
1158. Hot Rims (Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 0.53 Hornby Island
1159. Howler (Trout Lake)  difficulty 0.31 Halfmoon Bay
1160. Huff & Puff (Mountain Shadows)  difficulty 0.8 Golden
1161. Miner 29er (Pineview)  difficulty 2.49 Kamloops
1162. Hustler (Burke Mountain Trails)  difficulty 0.29 Coquitlam
1163. Hwy 103 (Mount Elphinstone)  difficulty 1.96 Gibsons
1164. Hyde (Myra-Bellevue)  difficulty 0.33 Kelowna
1165. Hydraulic Connector (Mount Seymour)  difficulty 0.52 Deep Cove
1166. Hydro Hill (Zappa Trails)  difficulty 0.15 Whistler
1167. Icy Hole of Death (Alice Lake Provincial Park)  difficulty 0.55 Squamish
1168. Immonator (Mt Fromme)  difficulty 0.12 North Vancouver
1169. Powerline/Imperial Trail (Pacific Spirit Regional Park)  difficulty 1.61 Vancouver
1170. INC (Doumont)  difficulty 0.42 Nanaimo
1171. Inner Ridge (Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 0.74 Hornby Island
1172. Gnar Boom (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.16 Sun Peaks
1173. Insanity One (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 1.08 Sun Peaks
1174. Inside Passage (Coutlee Trails)  difficulty 1.73 Merritt
1175. Inventive (Hartland Mountain Bike Park)  difficulty 0.25 Victoria
1176. Iron Colt (Monte Christo)  difficulty 0.19 Rossland
1177. Iron Knee Trail (Pacific Spirit Regional Park)  difficulty 0.29 Vancouver
1178. iTrail (Mount Elphinstone)  difficulty 1.08 Gibsons
1179. J-Lo  difficulty 0.14 Welcome Beach
1180. J.Z. Jr. (Ledgeview)  difficulty 0.26 Abbotsford
1181. Jack Rabbit (Quadra Island Trails)  difficulty 0.66 Heriot Bay
1182. Jail Trail (Doumont)  difficulty 0.66 Nanaimo
1183. Jammer (Sprockids)  difficulty 0.39 Gibsons
1184. Jawbone (Myra-Bellevue)  difficulty 0.17 Kelowna
1185. Jeckle (Myra-Bellevue)  difficulty 0.51 Kelowna
1186. Jellyroll Gumdrop (Zappa Trails)  difficulty 0.28 Whistler
1187. Johnson Junior (Lake Lillian)  difficulty 2.14 Invermere
1188. JP Cool (Coutlee Trails)  difficulty 2.5 Merritt
1189. Juan Valdez (Eagle Mountain)  difficulty 0.39 Coquitlam
1190. Jughead (Hammer Fest)  difficulty 2.18 Parksville
1191. June (Trout Lake)  difficulty 0.03 Halfmoon Bay
1192. Juniper Trail / FM Radio (Harbourview)  difficulty 1.69 Sooke
1193. Junkyard Zombie (Ledgeview)  difficulty 0.48 Abbotsford
1194. Kaboom (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.35 Sun Peaks
1195. Kanaka Bay Trail (Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park)  difficulty 0.51 Nanaimo
1196. Kaslo River North (Kaslo Trails)  difficulty 0.57 Kaslo
1197. Katimavik (Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 0.22 Hornby Island
1198. KC Reloaded (South Canoe)  difficulty 0.93 Salmon Arm
1199. KC Ridge (Monte Christo)  difficulty 0.49 Rossland
1200. Keener (Sun Peaks Bike Park)  difficulty 0.56 Sun Peaks

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