2,137 Trails in Canada

Rank Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
1951. Mango Mango (Vedder Mountain)  difficulty 0.13 Chilliwack
1952. Maquinna Cycle Trail (Port Alberni Trails)  difficulty 0.3 Port Alberni
1953. Mariposa (Peterson Creek Park)  difficulty 0.36 Kamloops
1954. Marten (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.02 Sun Peaks
1955. Mary Kirk Access Trail (Mount Seymour)  difficulty 0.39 Deep Cove
1956. Mastadon (Red Mountain)  difficulty 1.63 Mission
1957. Maud Island Trail (Quadra Island Trails)  difficulty 3.77 Campbell River
1958. Max Power (Westwood Lake)  difficulty 1.01 Nanaimo
1959. McGillvray Lake Trail (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 1.33 Sun Peaks
1960. Meadow (Penticton Maze)  difficulty 0.35 Powell River
1961. Meadow Trail (South Canoe)  difficulty 0.06 Salmon Arm
1962. Meat Draw (Westwood Lake)  difficulty 1.1 Nanaimo
1963. Meatgrinder (Rubberhead Trail System)  difficulty 0.44 Salmon Arm
1964. Megasaurus (Fernie Alpine Resort)  difficulty 1.68 Fernie
1965. Memphis (Mount Prevost)  difficulty 1.15 North Cowichan
1966. Merry Creek Trail (Merry Creek)  difficulty 2.01 Castlegar
1967. Merry Go Round Trail (Merry Creek)  difficulty 0.9 Castlegar
1968. Mesa (Kenna Cartwright Park)  difficulty 1.66 Kamloops
1969. Mexican Jumping Bean (Mount Elphinstone)  difficulty 0.99 Gibsons
1970. Mexican Ninja (Vedder Mountain)  difficulty 0.59 Chilliwack
1971. Middle Bench Trail (Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 2.21 Hornby Island
1972. Middle Earth (Svoboda Trails)  difficulty 1.73 Nelson
1973. Midway (Connor Park)  difficulty 0.17 Welcome Beach
1974. Migor (Cranbrook Community Forest – South)  difficulty 1.68 Cranbrook
1975. Mindbender (Hartland Mountain Bike Park)  difficulty 0.34 Victoria
1976. Mine (Pineview)  difficulty 1.99 Kamloops
1977. Miral Heights (Trail Bluffs)  difficulty 1.65 Trail
1978. Missing Link (Trout Lake)  difficulty 1.52 Halfmoon Bay
1979. Organ Donor (Mount Work – Hartland)  difficulty 1 Victoria
1980. Mission Impossible 2 and 3 (Mosquito Lake)  difficulty 0.34 Pemberton
1981. Mister Slave (Morning Mountain Bike Park (Giveout/Gold Creek))  difficulty 0.51 Nelson
1982. South Loop (Seal Bay Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 3.21 Courtenay
1983. Maple (Seal Bay Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 0.75 Courtenay
1984. Forest Loop (Seal Bay Regional Nature Park)  difficulty 4.83 Courtenay
1985. Mixed Bag (Ledgeview)  difficulty 1.38 Abbotsford
1986. Alternative Facts (South Canoe)  difficulty 0.79 Salmon Arm
1987. Moc - Assassin (Mount Fernie Provincial Park)  difficulty 0.18 Fernie
1988. Molly Hogan Trail (Zappa Trails)  difficulty 1.01 Whistler
1989. Mongo (Vedder Mountain)  difficulty 0.47 Chilliwack
1990. Moose Track (Mt Morrisey XC trails)  difficulty 0.21 Heffley Creek
1991. Moose Trail (South Canoe)  difficulty 0.2 Salmon Arm
1992. Moosejaw (Mosquito Lake)  difficulty 0.49 Pemberton
1993. More Cowbell (Smith Creek)  difficulty 0.54 West Kelowna
1994. More Speed (Pineview)  difficulty 0.74 Kamloops
1995. Morfee Lakes  difficulty 12 Mackenzie
1996. Morfee Canyon Trail (Morfee Lakes)  difficulty 0.56 Mackenzie
1997. Morfee Lake Trail East (Morfee Lakes)  difficulty 6.02 Mackenzie
1998. Morte Lake (Quadra Island Trails)  difficulty 5.1 Heriot Bay
1999. Moth (Red Mountain)  difficulty 0.6 Mission
2000. Mother Hucker (Hartland Mountain Bike Park)  difficulty 0.11 Victoria

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