113 Trails in Connecticut

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Crescent Lake Intermediate difficulty 6 **** Southington
Rocky Neck State Park Intermediate difficulty 4.0 **** Niantic
Middlebury Greenway Easiest difficulty 10.0 **** Middlebury
Winding Trails Beginner difficulty 5.0 *** Farmington
Hartman Park Intermediate difficulty 6.0 *** Salem
Heublein Tower Beginner difficulty 15.0 *** West Hartford
Tarrywile Park Beginner difficulty 5.0 *** Danbury
West Rocks State Park Intermediate difficulty 12.0 *** New Haven
Tyler Mills Intermediate difficulty 10.0 *** Wallingford
Salmon River State Forest Intermediate difficulty 7.0 *** Colchester
Powder Ridge Bike Park Intermediate difficulty 0 *** Middlefield
The Jumps Beginner difficulty 1.0 *** West Hartford
Air line trail Intermediate difficulty 26.0 *** Hampton
Racebrook Tract  difficulty 11.0 *** Middletown
Stony Creek Quarry Preserve Intermediate difficulty 10.0 *** Branford
Sessions Woods  difficulty 20.0 *** Burlington
Bigelow Hollow State Park Beginner difficulty 11.0 *** Union
Mohawk Mountain State Park Beginner difficulty 15.0 *** Goshen
Cranberry Park Easiest difficulty 7.0 *** Norwalk`
Thomaston Dam Easiest difficulty 0.0 *** Thomaston
Brotherin Trail System Intermediate difficulty 4.0 *** Madison
Dingle Brook Trail  difficulty 6.0 *** Newtown
Gurski Farm Intermediate difficulty 4.0 *** Brookfield
Genesee Recreation Area Beginner difficulty 10.0 *** Madison
Supply Ponds Intermediate difficulty 10.0 *** Branford
Collis P Huntington State Park Intermediate difficulty 20.0 *** Bethel
Devil's Hopyard Expert difficulty 12.0 *** East Haddam
Gilbert Mountain / Winsted Woods Intermediate difficulty 5.0 ** Winsted
Corn Fields Easiest difficulty 3.0 ** Madison
Water Company Owned Woods Intermediate difficulty 2.0 ** Enfield
Trumbull Rail Trail Easiest difficulty 6.0 ** Trumbull
Brooksvale Park And Naugatuck State Forest Advanced difficulty 10.0 ** Hamden
Funny Farm North Beginner difficulty 5.0 * Newtown
Farmington Canal Heritage Trail Easiest difficulty 5.0 * Hamden
Noah Paradise  difficulty 10.0 Simsbury
Mooween  difficulty 4.6 Lebanon
Hop Brook Lake  difficulty 8.0 Middlebury
Double D  difficulty 0.4 Groton
Haley Farm  difficulty 10.0 Groton
Risley Resovior Loop  difficulty 2.0 Vernon
Van Otterloo Preserve  difficulty 1.0 Bloomfield
Camp coach  difficulty 1.0 Goshen
Outer Loop  difficulty 1.0 Westbrook
Inner Loop  difficulty 1.0 Westbrook
Brentwood Jumps  difficulty 0.0 Wallingford
Brentwood Junps  difficulty 1.0 Wallingford
Brentwood jumps  difficulty 1.0 Wallingford
Oswegatchie  difficulty 5.0 East Lyme
airline trail  difficulty 17.0 Lebanon
Nelson Brook  difficulty 2.0 Storrs

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