22 Trails in Delaware

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Iron Hill Recreation Area Intermediate difficulty 8.0 **** Newark
Brandywine State Park Intermediate difficulty 15.0 **** Wilmington
White Clay Creek State Park Triple Loop (White Clay Creek) Intermediate difficulty 10.0 ***** Newark
Middle Run Natural Area Intermediate difficulty 10.0 ***** Newark
White Clay Creek Intermediate difficulty 24 ***** Newark
Bethany Bay Resort Intermediate difficulty 3.0 *** Ocean view
Lums Pond State Park / Swamp Forest Trail Intermediate difficulty 7 **** Bear
Beaver Damn Loop Beginner difficulty 3.0 * Rehoboth
Milford Millponds Nature Preserve (Milford Trail) Beginner difficulty 2.5 ***** Milford
Redd Park (Middle Run Natural Area) Beginner difficulty 2.0 ***** Newark
Blackbird State Forest Easiest difficulty 7.0 *** Smyrna
Gordon's Pond Trail in Cape Henlopen State Park Easiest difficulty 15 **** Lewes
Blue Loop Trail (Blackbird State Forest)  difficulty 5.0 Smyrna
Redd Park  difficulty 5.0 Newark
Yellow Loop Trail (Blackbird State Forest)  difficulty 2.0 Smyrna
Chestnut Hill Trail  difficulty 2.0 Newark
Chestnut Hill Trail (White Clay Creek)  difficulty 3.0 Newark
Chesnut Hill Trail  difficulty 2 Newark
Granogue  difficulty 7.0 Wilmington
Woodlawn Nature Preserve  difficulty 15.0 Wilmington
Not Named  difficulty 15.0 Wilmington
Judge Morris Loop (White Clay Creek)  difficulty 4.0 Newark

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