47 Trails in Sweden

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Delsjon Area Advanced difficulty 20.0 ***** Gothenburg
Blueberry Trail (Skatas Trail System) Advanced difficulty 1.0 ***** Gothenburg
Molndal Area Advanced difficulty 62.0 ***** Gothenburg
Slickrocks Trail (Molndal Area) Advanced difficulty 6.0 ***** Gothenburg
Orange Trail (Kinnekulle Trail System) Intermediate difficulty 28.0 ***** Gatene
Kinnekulle Trail System Intermediate difficulty 50.0 ***** Gotene
Runbyskogen Advanced difficulty 11.0 ***** Upplands Vasby
Kasjon Lake Trails Intermediate difficulty 46.0 ***** Gothenburg
Skatas Trail System Advanced difficulty 40.0 ***** Gothenburg
Rada Trails Intermediate difficulty 50.0 ***** Gothenburg
Fornstigen Intermediate difficulty 14.0 ***** Lovön
Vildmarksleden Intermediate difficulty 25.0 **** Hindas
Marstrand Island Trail System Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Marstrand
Knipeflagsbergns Nature Reserve Intermediate difficulty 30.0 **** Gothenburg
Hellas Blue from Solsidan to Hellasgården Intermediate difficulty 8.0 **** Saltsjöbaden
BMX Trail Updated version Beginner difficulty 0.1 **** Varberg
Skogsö Beginner difficulty 5.0 *** Saltsjöbaden
Black and White (Skatas Trail System) Intermediate difficulty 11.0 *** Gothenburg
Bohusleden Intermediate difficulty 236.0 *** Lindome
Snapphaneturen  difficulty 25.0 Hässleholm
Klappen Bikepark  difficulty 5.0 Salen
Gesunda Bike Park  difficulty 10.0 Solleron
Funasdalsberget  difficulty 263.0 Funasdalen
Åre Bikepark  difficulty 0
Storkasberget  difficulty 55.0 Arvika
Gula Fryksås 5,6km  difficulty 3.5 Orsa Grönklitt
Red Trail  difficulty 2.73 Malmö
Hellas Grön/Blå  difficulty 8.0 Saltsjöbaden
Blue Trail  difficulty 1.92 Malmö
Vita slingan  difficulty 30.0 Genarp, Malmö, Lund
Saltsjöbadens slalombacke  difficulty 1.0 Saltsjöbaden
Hellas Vit/Grön  difficulty 9.0 Nacka
Sandseryd private MTB trail  difficulty 1.0 Jonkoping
Järvsö Bike Park  difficulty 6.0 Järvsö
BMX Trail  difficulty 0.1 Varberg
RHCK XC Bana  difficulty 2.0 Rävlanda
TABY MTB XC#1  difficulty 3.0 Vallentuna
Vallåsen Bike Park  difficulty 0.0 Våxtorp
Green and White Trail (Knipeflagsbergns Nature Reserve)  difficulty 10.0 Gothenburg
Rosenholm  difficulty 2.0 Karlskrona
Fjällstugan.  difficulty 0.0 Hofors
Stromstad Sporet  difficulty 2.0 Strömstad
Nick  difficulty 6.0 Ursvik
Åsen KBR  difficulty 6.0 Göteborg
Trazan & Banarne  difficulty 8.0 Mölndal
Årekärr yellow  difficulty 8.0 Mölndal
10 K  difficulty 6.0 Vetlanda

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