246 Trails in Wyoming

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
Buffalo Drop (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Expert difficulty 1.0 ***** Alta
Lunatic Fringe (Wilkins Peak Trails) Expert difficulty 4.0 ***** Green River
Phillips Canyon Expert difficulty 15.0 ***** Wilson
Sticks & Stones (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 5.0 **** Alta
El Alto (Curt Gowdy State Park) Advanced difficulty 2.0 ***** Laramie
Sink or Swim (Snow King Mountain) Advanced difficulty 2.0 ** Jackson
Ferrins-Game-Cache Loop (Snow King Mountain) Advanced difficulty 12.0 **** Jackson
Slickrock Advanced difficulty 7.0 **** Cody
Rock Garden (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Alta
Peaked (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Alta
38 Special (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Alta
East Tensleep Trail #68 Advanced difficulty 4.0 **** Ten Sleep
Quick Draw (Jackson Hole Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 2 *** Teton Village
Green Mountain Advanced difficulty 31.0 **** Jeffrey City
En Tus Suenos Advanced difficulty 5.0 *** Sand Draw
Uncle Ricos (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 0.0 ***** Green River
Pick Your Poison (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 5.0 ***** Green River
Tnt (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 3.0 ***** Green River
Colter's Escape Advanced difficulty 2.0 ***** Alta
Elk Chase #2 Advanced difficulty 4.0 **** Pinedale
Wilson's Canyon (Snow King Mountain) Advanced difficulty 5.0 **** Jackson
Middle Fork Popo Agie River Advanced difficulty 18.0 **** Lander
Big Creek Advanced difficulty 10.0 **** Encampment
Sheep Mountain Advanced difficulty 22.0 **** Centennial
The Bench Trail Advanced difficulty 8.0 ***** Greybull
Gold Rush Advanced difficulty 1 ***** Cheyenne
Gold Rush Advanced difficulty 1 ***** Cheyenne
MacDaddy (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 0.0 ***** Green River
Shadow Mountain Advanced difficulty 7.0 ***** Jackson/moose
Bearlodge Trail System Advanced difficulty 75.0 **** Sundance
Bullwinkle (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 3.0 **** Alta
Better than Dead Advanced difficulty 6.0 ***** Green RIver
Fast Exit (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 1.0 ***** Green River
Draino (Wilkins Peak Trails) Advanced difficulty 1.0 ***** Green River
Guernsey State Park Advanced difficulty 5.0 ** Guernsey
Bridle Trail Advanced difficulty 5 **** Casper
Mo Rocka Advanced difficulty 2.0 ***** Laramie
The Bus Advanced difficulty 10.0 ***** Lander
Rock Creek Advanced difficulty 12.0 **** Arlington
Cache Creek - Game Creek Loop (Snow King Mountain) Intermediate difficulty 10.0 ***** Jackson
Curt Gowdy State Park Intermediate difficulty 31.0 ***** Cheyenne
Green River Bike Park Intermediate difficulty 2.0 ***** Green River
Cruiser (Wilkins Peak Trails) Intermediate difficulty 2.0 **** Green River
Phillips Ridge Intermediate difficulty 15.0 ***** Wilson
Mill Creek (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 9.0 ***** Alta
Elk Chase #1 (surveyor Park Tr) Intermediate difficulty 4.0 **** Pinedale
Wilkins Peak Trails Intermediate difficulty 50 ***** Green River
Glendo State Park Intermediate difficulty 47.0 **** Glendo
Black Canyon Intermediate difficulty 4.6 **** Wilson
Johnny Behind The Rocks Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Lander

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