255 Trails in Wyoming

Trail Name Difficulty Length (mi) Rating City
The Bus Advanced difficulty 10.0 ***** Lander
Big Creek Advanced difficulty 10.0 **** Encampment
Bench Trail Intermediate difficulty 10.0 **** Greybull
Grace Lake  difficulty 9.0 Ten Sleep
Outlaw's Greatest hits Beginner difficulty 9.0 **** Cody
Devil's Playground Intermediate difficulty 9.0 **** Laramie
Mill Creek (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 9.0 ***** Alta
Barber Lake  difficulty 9.0 **** Centennial
North Fork Trail  difficulty 9.0 **** Centennial
Little Laramie Trails  difficulty 9.0 *** Centennial
Bear River State Park  difficulty 8.0 **** Evanston
Main Paintrock Trail  difficulty 8.0 Lovell
NFSR 220  difficulty 8.0 Saratoga
Cold Springs Intermediate difficulty 8.0 *** Alta
Munger Mountian (tusky Ridge, Wally's World, Poison Creek, Squaw Creek) Beginner difficulty 8.0 ***** Wilson
Mosquito Creek (the Racecourse) Beginner difficulty 8.0 *** Wilson
West Fremont Lake Intermediate difficulty 8.0 **** Pinedale
Grand Teton Multi-use Pathway Easiest difficulty 8.0 ***** Grand Teton National Park
South Crow Creek  difficulty 8.0 ** Laramie
Laramie Rim Trail Beginner difficulty 8.0 ** Laramie
The Bench Trail Advanced difficulty 8.0 ***** Greybull
Cascade Canyon  difficulty 8 Jackson
Pilot Hill Connector (Pilot Hill)  difficulty 7.5 Laramie
Skyline Trail (Snow King Mountain)  difficulty 7.0 Jackson
Slickrock Advanced difficulty 7.0 **** Cody
Stockwell Trail #86  difficulty 7.0 Sheridan
Fairy Creek Trail Easiest difficulty 7.0 *** Yellowstone National Park
Medicine Bow Peak  difficulty 7.0 Saratoga
Rick's Basin (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Alta
Shadow Mountain Advanced difficulty 7.0 ***** Jackson/moose
Pinedale Bike Path Beginner difficulty 7.0 **** Pinedale
Johnny Behind The Rocks Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Lander
Twizzie Tween Intermediate difficulty 7.0 **** Laramie
Continental Divide Trail - Pipeline To Colorado Border  difficulty 7.0 Encampment
Pasture Park Trail  difficulty 6.0 Ten Sleep
Mount Washburn/Chittenden Rd. Easiest difficulty 6.0 **** Yellowstone National Park
Canyons (Curt Gowdy State Park) Intermediate difficulty 6.0 **** Cheyenne
Fuzzy Bunny/Power Line Jumps/Parallel Intermediate difficulty 6.0 ***** Wilson
Kenny Wood Trail #628  difficulty 6.0 Sheridan
Cedar Creek Trail  difficulty 6.0 Lovell
Better than Dead Advanced difficulty 6.0 ***** Green RIver
Quakie Ridge (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Beginner difficulty 6.0 **** Alta
Tyler Draw Beginner difficulty 6.0 **** Pinedale
Clear Creek Intermediate difficulty 6.0 **** Buffalo
Lover's Lane Intermediate difficulty 6.0 **** Laramie
Brent & Mikes' Trail (Wilkins Peak Trails) Intermediate difficulty 6.0 ***** Green River
North Cheyenne Community Park  difficulty 5.0 *** Cheyenne
Brewers Trail  difficulty 5.0 Lander
Sidewinder (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Intermediate difficulty 5.0 **** Alta
Sticks & Stones (Grand Targhee Bike Park) Advanced difficulty 5.0 **** Alta

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