Two mountain bikers ride along a narrow trail surrounded by lush greenery, with a scenic mountain landscape in the background. The sky is partly cloudy, indicating a pleasant day for outdoor activities. Resurrection Pass mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 38 mi (61.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +1,524/ -1,581 ft
Total: 21 riders

Mountain Biking Resurrection Pass

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#1 of 65 mountain bike trails in Alaska
#439 in the world

it's like a 2600ft. elevation gain it's up hill for the first 18 miles or so until the summit then from there it was alot of down hill. be careful in the woods at one turn down one of the big hills is a 85 degree turn and if you don't make it don't worry a tree will stop you 20 feet from the trail. O the first 18 miles there are alot of switchbacks that get really annoying expecally after the swann lake cabin. when you get to the sign that says swan lake cabin to the left and devils pass to the right take the swan lake cabin trail cause the devils pass is at a 75 degree incline it's the most difficult part of the trail and there are some huge rocks FYI if you do plan on taking it. If you get your water from a fast flowing creek you don't really need a filter unless your afraid of giardia.

First added by akjustin on Aug 22, 2008. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
GO down the seward highway from anchorage all the way past the hope turn off. you'll come to a fork in the high way that says kenai to the left take it, go through kenai until cooper landing the trail starts on the right hand side of the road the turn off is right on the highway with a big sign that says chugach national park resurrection pass.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Cooper Landing / Hope, Alaska

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  • efoley

    Good intermediate ride. We rode up to the first falls and back. Pretty much all uphill but manageable. Active brown bear posted.

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  • JB88

    This was an awesome ride, especially in September on a completely sunny day with the tundra on FIRE! On the top of the pass it is all open with great views. You get up there by ascending through trees that are bright yellow. Was fantastic. I don't remember a lot of technical spots and there weren't many... what I call loopy loo's. As far as the distance, well it was a really long day trip for the weekend warrior... not for a first date and be sure to have a comfortable seat with padded riding shorts.

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  • Frozensurfer

    I just went from Cooper Landing to Hope. The only difficult part of this trail is the length. If you decide to try it from Cooper to Hope, it will be uphill most of the way. You will get a bit of downhill once past the summit, but will lead back into an uphill. Overall the trail is in great condition, a bit wet from the rains, and loaded with mosquitos. This is bear territory. We ran into a black bear on the trail, and saw a good sized Brown at the summit. Carry bear spray with you and make lots of noise. There was recently a group of bikers attacked on this trail by a sow with a cub.
    Overall, this was an epic ride. I'll be going the other way later this week. * Review edited 7/15/2010

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  • AK_Dan

    The above description is a bit deceiving, this is a half century old hiking trail, very popular and well maintained. It is also one of the epic bike rides here in SC AK. There really isn’t anything technical about it other than the over all length. Coopers Landing (south end) is aprox 80 miles south of anchorage, I start from the North end in Hope, AK; aprox 60 miles south of anchorage turn right at the Hope Junction, drive 16 miles to town and follow the signs or ask directions to the trail head. You will climb about ‘2000 in 19 miles but its all downhill from there. This trail can get extremely sloppy with rain, pack for just about any kind of weather and fenders are a good idea even if the sun is out.

    *** This is bear country! Please ride with a group and make noise or use a ‘bear bell’, most bears will avoid human confrontation as long as they hear you coming.***

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