Group of seven cyclists standing with their mountain bikes in an outdoor setting, surrounded by trees and tents. The cyclists are wearing various cycling gear and helmets, smiling towards the camera. Several other people and tents are visible in the background. Ringwood Skylands Manor mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +305/ -286 ft
Total: 182 riders

Mountain Biking Ringwood Skylands Manor

*****   Add a review
#2 of 111 mountain bike trails in New Jersey
#311 in the world

I have been riding serious for over 10 years. I am 28 years old, my career as a personal trainer pushes me further to appreciate mountain biking. I have been to a decent amount of trails, including MOAB out west, and the famous Crested Butte, Colorado. I live very local to the Skylands Manor. I love it here in New Jersey. I know some other good riding not far, in New York. Ringwood by far is the hottest, roughest trail. If you like difficult climbs, tricky obstacles, including riding across fallen trees, 5 feet in the air, 25 feet long, this is the place for you.
I ride a hard tail bike, front suspension of course. ANY bike shop in New Jersey is familiar with Ringwood riding. There are many for than 10 miles of trails here, but the 10-mile singletrack loop is plenty enough. After about 8 mikes, your legs are pretty shot.

First added by alvin.santoy on Nov 30, 2003. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Very easy to get to, in NJ, rte 287 north,, get off exit 55.Make right, follow through ton of Wanaque. Proceed, approx 8-10 miles, around the reservoir, then road splits. Keep right, stay approx 1-2 miles, you will see sign for skylands manor, Botanical Gardens. Make right, up hill,, all the way, bumpy windy hill. At top, STOP sign, make left, proceed to entrance to park. Park left or right, entrance to trail, at right. You will see other bikers. There are wide trail, which are moderate climbs, and there are singletracks off them, which network together, which are very difficult. All climbing and technical stuff, not too much speed here, just technical climbing, up and down turns, rocks, and roots. VERY SCENIC VERY COOL !! Contact me, I ride with a group on SAT and SUN. Email me for directions from parkway, or other highways.
System trails (2)
 difficultyCannonball10 mi
 difficultySkyline Drive NJ MTB Trails21 mi
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Best Black Diamond Mountain Bike Trail

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H2H Ringwood MTB Race 2008
Skylands Trail Ringwood NJ - Nomad…
Skylands Trail Ringwood NJ - Nomad…
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Ringwood, New Jersey

| 12 mi
Advanced | 10 mi
| 0 mi
Intermediate | 20 mi

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  • Jeffrey Velez

    Awesome park, many different trails, features. I highly recommend this park is well maintenance and well structure.

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  • Jeffrey Paul

    I came out to ringwood expecting cream of the crop riding in terms of the tri-state area but left confused. The amount of trails and land in general is enormous, but I felt myself stopping to look at my phone for directions way too often. There's a healthy mix of open double tracks and super tight, rocky single tracks to tackle, but again, very confusing to navigate and slow moving due to how rocky and technical the single tracks are. I'd recommend riding here only if you are confident in your riding abilities and in the company of a regular that can point out the proper direction to ride the trails and the areas to avoid.

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  • Evo23L

    Challenging trails here, not for beginners. This place will give you a good workout

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  • Dback138

    Rode here when traveling through the area. Luckily meet a local in the parking lot that new the trails really well. Place is awesome. Trails are fast, very technical, and a lot of fun but defiantly should be ridden in certain direction. Thank the local Vince for helping me out there.

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  • Seth's Bike Hacks

    ROCKS! Tons of rocks! This place is not for beginners, or for anyone who doesn't know their way around, for that matter. I was lucky enough to go with some locals, who showed me around. If you like technical challenges, scary drops, and super rough singletrack, this place is a dream come true.

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  • trailwerks

    So much fun. This is a great trail to ride with buddies that are familiar. My favorite is the white section heading back down towards the botanical garden.

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  • 12hilltop

    Orange trail did a great job of pushing me to the limit. It has everything from climbs, sights, technical, rock and more climbs.
    Experience recommended. Best to ride in a group. 10 miles that are as challenging as nj has to offer.

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  • roadandmud

    Rode a 4 mile section near Parking lot C today on a Trance at the Giant Demo. From what I rode today, I am definitely going back. Nice climbs and descents. Lots of rock.

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  • WarChariot

    Technical trails for advanced riders. Newbies should work on skills before tackling this trail. Lots of rocks and roots. Some pretty big drops too.

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  • Allen Yup Hawking

    Great place to ride rocky , get a map easy to get lost. Great uphills

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  • Phillychris498

    Good, tough trails, but hard to navigate. The map doesn't really help, but if you find singletrack, its fantastic riding.

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  • jbarb1

    Good riding through NJ forest. You need to pay for parking during season and it can get very crowded with hikers on the main loops on the weekends. Would recommend studying a map and perhaps a GPS as there are hiking only trails throughout. Shooting range is a bit disturbing in the main area if you are looking for a quite ride. Would recommend connecting to Ramapo to the south for an epic ride.

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  • henryos

    ROCKS! Tons of rocks. A lot of really good, technical features, on ascents and descents. Many miles of contiguous, challenging trails. Some sections of exposed rock. All in all, a great trail. Could be marked a little better but another visit should solidify it.

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  • xcracer297

    Too much riding for one day. this par takes up about 1/4 of the entire town. there is anywhere from 25-50 miles of trails now. when im not racing back to back i do a good chunk of my training here. most trails are well made but there are a few that look like a five year old went through there with just a rake. but i stay away from those trails. the trails on the north side used to be good but now they are heavily eroded. the trails on the south side are pretty close to genius, and the stuff up by skyline drive is genius. there isnt very much for people with few bike skills but if they are on the right trails, they can have a good time.

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  • Renee_Lando

    ive ridden here every weekend since labor day and the possibilities are endless. the race loop was pysically one of the hardest trails ever. red trail is technical skill wise. i would like to try skylands trail but im scared and will try to do it next year. red trail you need some of the best brakes possible. also i tried looking for six bridges and got lost pretty easily so dont try it. a more begginer oriented trail is orange trail by shepards lake or white trail in lot c

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  • Shlomo2010

    I've been coming here for the past few months and i ride 2 or 3 times a week because it's like no other place every time i go out there it's new challange

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  • ac90002

    Lots of climbing, some tough singletrack, especially newer sections currently being built. Some rock gardens filled with babyheads & lines not that obvious. Great place to work on skills. Also, good to bring non-riders who can hike, swim in summer, boat, cookout or just veg, while you get off on the rocks.

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  • earthly2

    This is a very challenging area to ride, lots of roots and babyheads to go through but there are some wide carriage trails that are easier to negotiate if you have the time. Very easy to get lost in here so pay attention to the sounds fo the nearby shooting range to find your bearings if lost.

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  • wipp59

    I first rode these series of trails 2 years ago during a sprint distance adventure race. During the race my bike spent more time on my back than I spent in the sadle I've since gone back a few more times and explored and discovered a truely backwoods series of at times very technical and very rewarding trails I've gone in looking for routes I'd been on before and discovered a whole new area to explore. There are wide carriage ways and some really outrageous single track agreat place to ride

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  • bludevil

    the best trail i've been on and by far the most challenging. I love to ride the, I live 2.5-3 hrs. away but find myself going up there at least once a month. The best trails to go down are the ones you are not supposed to. But the race trail they have there is off the hook. by the way if you see 2 rocks about 6 ft. apart and think you can jump over them- dont do it. I call it the show stopper. it will end you day of riding.

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Rider questions

Q: Who can i contact for group MTB weekend

Q: where I can I rent/demo a bike in the area?