This trail is all singletrack. It is composed of well travel tread, some cow trail and some game trail. There is a little bit of bushwhacking in between to connect these segments.
The trail will climb steadily up to a drainage filled with cottonwoods and one lone giant pine tree (1.5 miles), we call this "The Trees". From here the trail heads left, contouring the hillside and eventually paralleling a fence.
After a mile from The Trees the trail turns right and climbs, steeply at times, up another drainage. Follow the main trail up past the first stocktank, past a super steep climb, until you get to the 2nd stocktank. This is Rippey Spring (3.25 miles).
From Rippey Spring the trail doubles back and contours left to a cow-patch. At this cowpatch, look for cairns to the left (There will be cairns to the right too for other more expert ride options).
Follow the faint singletrack to yet another cowpatch and cairn marking the next segment. The trail contours in to an Aspen filled canyon. When you get to the tall sage here leave the trail and drop into the canyon, picking up a game trail then descend for 1/2 mile.
Pick up another game trail on the left side of the drainage and contour north to a fence.
Cross the fence, get on the 2track there and ride up about 100yds to another cowpatch on the right. From here contour left and down in to another canyon. This is Basco.
Once at the bottom of this canyon the trail heads right and down to a familiar group of trees. Now just drop on the fast singletrack back to the trailhead.