A rugged mountain landscape featuring steep, rocky cliffs and patches of greenery. The cliff face shows various textures and colors, indicating geological layers, with small evergreen trees scattered along the lower slopes. The sky above is clear with some clouds visible in the distance. Rocky Canyon Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 11 mi (17.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +1,351/ -1,396 ft
Total: 2 riders

Mountain Biking Rocky Canyon Trail

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#61 of 319 mountain bike trails in Idaho
#4,520 in the world

The trail is accessed by two track road from Highway 28. Once leaving the two track road, the trail ascends the bottom of Rocky Canyon up the left fork where it ends at the 8,700 foot level at the base of The Brow Peak (11,005 feet). A trail also goes up the right fork of Rocky Canyon for approximately 1 mile.

The trail is faint in areas but stays in the canyon bottom. As you ascend the canyon you will go through numerous meadows and timber stringers. You will also cross active snow slide paths in the upper end of the canyon. This is a highly scenic trail once you enter the canyon and the name Rocky Canyon is quite applicable. The route passes trhough BLM onto National Forest Lands. Livestock may be present along lower portions of the trail. The trail difficulty is intermediate to advanced skills and is strenous. There are some rocky areas in the trail where short hike a bikes may be necessary. This is a very dry area and water may not be present in the summer.

First added by sidehiller1 on Jun 18, 2012. Last updated May 4, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Leadore, go 34.6 miles south on Highway 28, turn Right (west) on Rocky Canyon Road which accesses the electronic site. Drive approximately 1/2 mile from highway and look for faint two track trail on right which parallels the road within several hundred feet to the electronic site. You can ride the two track from here as it is much smoother than the main road. Ride up past the electronic site to the right for approximately 1.25 miles and you will come to the top of the hill for the descent into Rocky Canyon. Follow the two track road down the steep hill through the gate in the wire fence and descend about 300 feet below the gate. Look for the singletrack trail that descends steeply to the left into Rocky Canyon. Pass below the fenced in spring in the canyon bottom and ascend up the canyon.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Leadore, Idaho

Intermediate | 7 mi

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  • Bheath

    Steep descent at beginning then fairly flat, beautiful scenery and abundant wildlife.

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  • sidehiller1

    Trail is not suitable for beginning riders.

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