A mountain biker in a red and black jersey navigates a dirt trail lined with dry grass and pine trees. The biker is wearing a helmet and focused on the trail ahead as he rides downhill. Rodney Ridge mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,669/ -439 ft
Total: 26 riders

Mountain Biking Rodney Ridge

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#10 of 265 mountain bike trails in Montana
#813 in the world

This is a surprisingly diverse and fun ride. Head up the trail on the steep, switchbacked grade. You will gain altitude quickly, but the ride doesn't seem as painful as it should given the grade. At the top of the switchbacks, a trail goes off to the left--keep going right. Right after that, go left and up onto the Don't Fence Me In trail. Follow this to the top of the ridge. After cresting the ridge, there will be a trail that plummets down into the next gulch--ignore it and head right and gently uphill on the Rodney Ridge doubletrack. After about a mile and a hlaf, it gets confusing--two singletracks will be visible crossing your path. If you take the first, you'll cut your ride short and miss some very good singletrack. Go past the first just a short distance and turn right on the second. Shortly after, the trail splits--you want to fork right. After another quarter mile, you may see a trail heading left--ignore it--go straight and begin an extremely sweet singletrack descent through the forest. After a half-mile of fast, fun, swoopy singletrack, take the trail right and parallel the road back to the top of the switchbacks and the final descent to your car. This is a short loop, but you can gain extra mileage by doing another lap, exploring some of the other trails on Rodney ridge, or linking it up with Mt Ascension or Mt Helena Ridge.

First added by John Fisch on Feb 24, 2008. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Like the Mt Helena ridge, head into the mountains on Park Ave. Instead of going right at the fork, go left. 0.3 miles after the fork, look for the parking on the left side of the road.
Featured in
A mountain biker riding along a rocky trail surrounded by trees, with a scenic view of hills and a bright sun in the background.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Helena, Montana

Intermediate | 18 mi
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  • Matthew Bonner

    This trail is a blast. The climb takes 1% of you're energy away, which means you can use the remainder to thrash down the other side of the hill! Taking Rent Money is a must, as the berms and small jumps will have you begging for more. Route finding gets just a bit tricky on the way down, especially after Rent Money. Keeping in mind that there are no steep climbs after Rent Money should keep you on track.

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  • Jake Gerstenberger

    I love this ride! Short and sweet. Start and end at Blackfoot River Brewing! Moderate climb to the short peak. You can continue to the subdivision on the other side and come back up if you like. You can rip the downhill will great corners and many small jumps.

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    Rodney Ridge is one of the best trails in the South Hills trail system. Also known in part as "Show me the money," it has some great ridgeline riding, along with a fast, flowy, bermed flow trail descent. This is a must-do in the area!

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  • Jared13   ✓ supporter

    The doubletrack is well, doubletrack. However, the boring portion is definitely worth it! One of many great trails in the Helena area.

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