A mountain biker navigating a curved dirt trail through tall grass, with a rocky outcrop visible in the background under an overcast sky. Rude Rock mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: One-way
Elevation: +399/ -415 ft
Total: 23 riders

Mountain Biking Rude Rock

*****   Add a review
#5 of 195 mountain bike trails in South Island
#570 in the world

Rude Rock is an exquisitely crafted, 3km advanced downhill rad roller coaster that's fast with opportunities for nice air. It will have you hyper most of the way and if it throws you it probably won't hurt you - there's tussock either side rather than rock! It's superb.

It is one of the best of the awesome Coronet Peak trails.

Zoot starts just below and makes a nice follow-on. Or you can turn off down Pack Track Sack to Skippers Pack Track.

First added by Jim Cummings on Mar 29, 2015. Last updated Sep 18, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Get a shuttle from Queenstown or drive or ride north out of town along Gorge Road through Arthurs Point and turn left up Coronet Peak Road. It ends at the base of the ski field where there are many car parks. The distance is 16 km (10 miles) and the elevation gain is 900 metres (3000 feet)
Featured in
A mountain biker rides along a winding dirt path through golden grassland, surrounded by a breathtaking landscape of rolling hills and jagged mountains under a clear blue sky. In the distance, a serene lake is partially visible, bordered by lush greenery.
A mountain biker navigates a narrow trail along a steep mountain ridge, surrounded by lush green forests and distant mountain peaks under a cloudy sky.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Queenstown, South Island

Advanced | 25 mi
Advanced | 1 mi
Intermediate | 5 mi
Beginner | 62 mi

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  • Desperado

    Awesome trail. Stunning setting. Riding in these wide open spaces adds another dimension. Fast rollicking fun track - they don't get much better.

    Reply | Thank
  • Jim Cummings

    It doesn't get any better in terms of fast, flowing, down-slope rides. And this one will not try to maim you! This trail is the definition of fun!

    Reply | Thank

Rider questions

Q: Is this trail open in August? Will be stopping by Queenstown around that time for a family event, and hope to check this one out.
A: No... It will be under snow.

Q: Would a Cube aim handle this very well?
A: No. Check out the videos on YouTube.