A winding dirt path through a vibrant hillside, surrounded by tall evergreen trees and patches of green grass. Wildflowers bloom in clusters along the trail, illuminated by sunlight filtering through the leaves above. Sage Hills mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 17 mi (27.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +1,227/ -1,214 ft
Total: 27 riders

Mountain Biking Sage Hills

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#31 of 1,216 mountain bike trails in Washington
#1,915 in the world

Closed to human access 12/1 to 3/31 of each year. Great in the spring when flowers are blooming. Many route options available, including linking to Twin Peaks and the Number One canyon area. Some trails are narrow and on sidehills. Wider trails tend to have more hikers, use caution.

First added by ACree on Apr 7, 2014. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Multiple access points from western side of Wenatchee.
System trails (16)
 difficultyBalsamroot Trail2.1 mi
 difficultyCoyote Canyon Trail1.3 mi
 difficultyFoothills Trail / Little Moab2.6 mi
 difficultyHomestead Connector2 mi
 difficultyHomestead Trail2.3 mi
 difficultyJackhammer Trail1.1 mi
 difficultyLester Trail0.4 mi
 difficultyLightning Trail3 mi
 difficultyLone Fir Spur0.3 mi
 difficultyLower Apricot Crisp Trail1.9 mi
 difficultyLower Lightning0.4 mi
 difficultyLower Sage Hills Trail1.2 mi
 difficultyMaiden Lane Trail0.8 mi
 difficultySnakebite Trail1.2 mi
 difficultyThe Gut0.9 mi
 difficultyUpper Apricot Crisp Trail0.7 mi

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Wenatchee, Washington

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  • mert160

    Awesome trail system, long climb to the top with great views. Lots of wildflowers in the May. Long, fast decent to the trailhead.

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  • JMThor

    This trail was awesome! I started from Lester's trail, all the way up to the top on Horse Lake Trail (clockwise) and finished back at Lester's. The whole trail is very smooth and flowy. About 2/3 of the way up, the climb gets pretty steep (going from about 5.5% grade to 8.9%). It is a very exposed ride for most of it, but as soon as you get to the forest at the top and pop over the summit, you can see some very tall, jagged peaks in the background and there are wildflowers, lush grasses, and singing birds. This was one of my favorite rides. Apparently, it is mostly like this in the springtime.

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  • ACree

    Great early season ride. Trails aren't very technical, but fun, flowy, and scenic. The system is very unique for WA state, and an early season jewel.

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