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Level: Intermediate
Length: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +1,931/ -1,527 ft
Total: 26 riders

Mountain Biking Salmon Creek Trail

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#36 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
#1,645 in the world

The north trail is a fun roller coaster along 3.5 miles of beautiful Salmon Creek. It is suitible for for beginning riders, but is plenty of fun for intermediate riders as well. The trail is mostly singletrack with a little dirt road here and there. The trail terminates at Salmon Creek Falls C.G. There are few obstacles (usually) and not too much poison oak.
The bridge that once connected the north and south trails was washed away during a winter storm a couple of years ago. What was a 6.5 mile loop is now a 14 mile out-and-back if you do both trails. The ride can be made longer by adding the connector trail from Greenwater Park and the trail(s) across the river from that park.
The trail on the south side of the creek is a much more technically challenging one. It is definitely not for beginning riders. It is mostly narrow singletrack over rocky, rooty, steep-pitched, wet ground. I suggest people avoid riding here during anything but the driest of weather because of the abundance of salamanders that use the trail. This trail, too, is about 3 miles long one-way.

First added by MarcS on Jan 26, 2012. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
At the east end of Oakridge, turn north off Hwy. 58 onto Fish Hatchery Rd. Continue about a mile to the hatchery on the right. One of two trails (the more technical) begins at the end of a short dirt road near the NE corner of the hatchery. The easier trail is on the north side of Salmon Creek. Stay on Fish Hatchery Rd. till you cross the bridge. Park in the dirt lot on the right.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Oakridge, Oregon

Beginner | 3 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
Advanced | 5 mi
Intermediate | 150 mi

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    Hesitate to post an unfavorable review but this is without a doubt my least favorite Oakridge trail. I never found a fun section.

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  • Chris Daniels

    Added section to top was a welcome addition as it is very different from anything in Oakridge. Nice rollers, high banked berms, and all at speed enough to get some air throughout. After that, cross-country style descending continues on less than techy terrain but plenty of blind corners on bench cut hillside trail.

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  • MarcS

    I rode this trail on Jan. 28. Very first section washed out. Okay from Flat Creek Work Station up--except that it is a little wet due to high water conditions in Salmon Creek. Not suitible for kids except in upper sections near campground and around "Warrior Trail" section.

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  • MarcS

    I rode the north (easier) trail last summer with my 10-year-old daughter, and we had a blast. It wasn't so tough that she couldn't manage, but it was challenging enough to really give her a great introduction to trail riding. Lots of short up-and-downs, some roots and rocks, and a few shallow water crossings.

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Rider questions

Q: Can i backpack here?